Installation Guide - madmaxpython/ComputeCanada_Pipeline GitHub Wiki

To be able to use the Compute Canada Pipeline, several steps are required. You have to create a Globus account that should be linked to both your institution and Compute Canada accounts. Hence, you will be able to send files to the Compute Canada cluster, as videos to be analyzed by DeepLabCut, or retrieve tracking datas.

I. Create a Compute Canada Account

  1. In order to use Compute Canada, you have to create an account at the following URL:
  2. Fill in your information.

PS: you need your sponsor CCRI.

Important: You need the approval of your sponsor for the sponsorship before going to the next step

II. Link your Globus and Organization accounts

  1. Go to:

  2. Select your organization ex: McGill University

  3. It will open a page where you have to connect to your organization's email account and accept the Globus privacy policy

III. Link your Globus and Compute Canada accounts

  1. Once connect to Globus, go to the menu 'Account' then in the submenu 'Link Another Identity' and select “Compute Canada”.


  1. It should open a page that will allow you to link your Compute Canada and Globus account. You can check that it works by checking the following:
    Under the “Manage Identities” menu, you should have both your institution and Compute Canada accounts.


Last but not least, you should add your Compute Canada Cluster to your collections:

  1. Go under Collections>Search All Collections (Top-right corner), and look for your cluster.

    ex: "Compute Canada - Narval"

  2. Select the collection, and click "Open in File Manager".

  3. Press continue.


  1. Select your Compute Canada on the pop-up page to allow the connection to the selected collection.

IV. Install Globus Connect Personnal (GCP)

  1. Install GCP here: for your laptop OS (macOS, Windows, Linux)

V. Allow GCP to access specific folder/hard drive

To transfer files to Compute Canada directly from an external hard drive/USB-Key, you have to give Globus access to this specific volume. Here are the different steps

  1. Open Globus Connect Personal > Preferences…

  2. Go under the Access menu, and click the + button on the bottom-left corner

  3. Look for your external hard drive and just click ‘Open’, it should be added to the list of 'Accessible Directories and Files'.