Creating a DataTable Custom type converters included - madcodemonkey/ClassToDataTable GitHub Wiki
There are two custom type converters included with this project that you can use:
- PercentCtodTypeConverter - Converts a string with a percentage sign in it into a decimal and then divides it by 100. If no percentage symbol is found, it still tries to convert the string into a decimal and divide by 100. It it cannot parse the string, it throws an exception. Nulls are ignored.
- ChangeTypeCtodTypeConverter - Runs the value encountered into the System.Convert.ChangeType method where the type is the TargetPropertyType from the attribute. If null is found, null is returned.
To use them, decorate the class property with the ClassToDataTableConverter:
public class PercentageTestData
public string SomeTestProperty { get; set; }
public int SomeIntProperty { get; set; }
To use it, decorate a class property with the ClassToDataTableConverter:
public enum PersonGender : Int16 { Female = 1, Male = 2, Unspecified = 3 }
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
[ClassToDataTableConverter(typeof(ChangeTypeCtodTypeConverter), TargetPropertyType = typeof(int))]
public PersonGender? Gender { get; set; }
public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; }
public DateTime? Birthday { get; set; }
- Warning! ChangeTypeCtodTypeConverter requires that you specify a TargetPropertyType!!