Creating a DataTable Creating your own Custom type converter EXAMPLE 1 - madcodemonkey/ClassToDataTable GitHub Wiki
Here is the custom type converter included with this project that does NOT have a custom attribute:
using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace ClassToDataTable.TypeConverters
/// <summary>Converts a string with a percentage sign in it into a decimal and then divides it by 100.
/// If no percentage symbol is found, it still tries to convert the string into a decimal and divide by 100.
/// It it cannot parse the string, it throws an exception. Nulls are ignored.</summary>
public class PercentCtodTypeConverter : IClassToDataTableTypeConverter
public Type OutputType => typeof(decimal);
public bool CanConvert(Type inputType)
return inputType == typeof(string);
public object Convert(PropertyInfo propInfo, object sourceObject)
object data = propInfo.GetValue(sourceObject);
if (data == null)
return null;
string stringData = data as string;
if (stringData == null)
throw new ArgumentException($"The {nameof(PercentCtodTypeConverter)} converter can only process strings. " +
$"The '{propInfo.Name}' field is is a '{propInfo.PropertyType.Name}'");
int indexOfPercentSign = stringData.IndexOf("%");
if (indexOfPercentSign != -1)
// Remove the percentage sign
stringData = stringData.Remove(indexOfPercentSign);
decimal result;
if (decimal.TryParse(stringData, out result))
return result/100.0m;
throw new ArgumentException($"The {nameof(PercentCtodTypeConverter)} converter cannot parse the following string: '{stringData}'");
public void Initialize(ClassToDataTableConverterAttribute attribute)
// No data needed from the attribute
- In the CanConvert method, we tell the system what this converter can handle so that people don't use it on the wrong property.
- In the Initialize method, nothing is going on since it doesn't need anything from the attribute.
- In the Convert method, it strips out the % sign and attempts to parse the string as a decimal and then divide by 100.
public class PercentageTest1
public string SomeTestProperty { get; set; }
public int SomeIntProperty { get; set; }
[ClassToDataTableConverter(typeof(PercentCtodTypeConverter), TargetPropertyType =typeof(string))]
public class PercentageTest3
public string SomeTestProperty { get; set; }
public int SomeIntProperty { get; set; }