Create A Bounty - macterra/Cryptonomicon GitHub Wiki

Go to the Apps tab and Create a new app:

create crowdfund app

Set the name to be the bounty ID (same as wiki page title), and set the tagline to be the bounty summary description: configure app

Add a link the the bounty page on the wiki: link wiki

Set the currency (BTC), target amount and start date. set amount

Skip past perks and check the box to make it publicly visible. Unselect sounds and background animations: checkboxes

Saves Settings at the bottom of the page and then View App: sample bounty page

Test the wiki link, and perhaps test the bounty by sending a tiny contribution. You should see the BTC show up in your wallet (unconfirmed) almost immediately.

You can view contributions to a bounty on the Invoices tab. Contributions to the same bounty will all have the same OrderId: invoices

Click on an invoice's Details link to learn more than you wanted to know. Note that this includes the refund email address provided by the contributor at the time of payment: invoice details