Sharing and Permissions - machines-reading-maps/Tutorials-Newsletters GitHub Wiki

Recogito enables both simultaneous and asynchronous collaboration, allowing multiple users to annotate the same document(s). Permissions can be accessed and managed from the last icon in the main toolbar.

The owner of the document can choose among a number of sharing options:

Public Access

  • Off: by default, all documents uploaded in Recogito are private. This means that you can annotate any kind of documents, regardless of their copyright status, as long as they remain visible to you only.
  • Anyone on the web: by checking this option, you will make the uploaded document, its annotations and visualisations potentially visible to anyone on the web. They will be indicised by Google and other search engines, and show up in external users’ queries. The document will also appear on, and be available from, your Recogito user’s page. However, you can still regulate access to your document through the options in the drop down menu. Please note: this sharing option is ONLY available for documents with a suitable copyright status. If you want to enable it, you have to go to the metadata section and enter the appropriate information.
  • Anyone with the link: by selecting this option, you will create a shareable direct link to the document and its annotations. Only people with the link will be able to see and access the document, and you can choose the level of privileges to enable by using the "Access Options" menu (see below). You can change your Access Options at any time.

Access Options

You can control access to your shared document in Recogito by selecting the more appropriate option. You can enable other users to:

  • View the document: people can see both your document, its annotations, and the map visualisations but cannot interact with it. They won’t need a Recogito account to do so.
  • See map and downloads but not the document: people can see the annotations that Recogito users have created, and their visualisations, but not access the original document. They won’t need a Recogito account to do so.
  • Annotate the document: Recogito users can contribute to the annotation of the document.


If you want to share your document with only a small number of Recogito users, you can also give them direct access by typing their Recogito username in the “Collaborators” field. Once you have entered their full Recogito username, you can use the menu to assign them three types of access privileges:

  • Read: to only view the document.
  • Write: to add new annotations and comments in the document.
  • Admin: to manage the document, and invite other users to contribute.

After you share your document with other Recogito users, they will find it in the “Shared with me” section of their “My Documents” area.

Duplicating Shared Documents

If another user has shared a document with you, via a link or adding you as a collaborator, that document will appear in your workspace. You can now click on it, and annotate the document collaboratively with all the other users who have access to it. All your edits will appear together, on the same document.

If the owner has allowed it, all users will be able to also comment and add tags on existing annotations. However, in some contexts users may prefer to make your own copy of the document that has been shared with you. In this case, go to your workspace, select the shared document, and click on the "options" button. From the drop-down menu, choose "duplicate". This will create a copy of the document, with all its annotations up to that moment. The copy is completely independent from its original. Any changes you make to the copy will not be reflected in the source documents. The copy is not shared with all the users who had access to the original document, and you can set up completely different privileges.