Document view and annotation tools - machines-reading-maps/Tutorials-Newsletters GitHub Wiki

You create your manual annotations in document view. When you double click on a document in your workspace you see it in document view by default. You can always come back this view by clicking on the notebook and pencil icon in the main toolbar. In document view, you have access to a small number of tools, to create and manage annotations.

In the top left corner:

  • Zoom in and out buttons: You can also zoom using your trackpad, mouse wheel, or touch screen.

  • Full screen button: to enable and disable full screen. 

  • Home button: to go back to overview mode.

In the top right area:

Drawing tools (from top to bottom)

  • Tilted Box. This tool produces rectangular boxes with any orientation. To create a tilted box, click on the bottom left corner of the space you want to annotate, and drag the pointer to the bottom right corner. Then drag the pointer up until the area of interest is encased in the annotation. You can see how this tool works in the animation on the right. 

  • Free hand. Click and drag the pointer to draw any shape, including open lines. When you release the button, Recogito will consider your annotation complete.

  • Ellipse. Click on one of the two most external points of the ellipse, and drag the pointer until the annotation overlaps the area you wanted to select. Your movement will also change how elongated the ellipse will be.

  • Circle. Click anywhere on the circumference of the circular feature you want to annotate, and drag the pointer towards the centre of the circle until the annotation fits the area you wanted to highlight. 
  • Point. This tool creates a point annotation, useful for very specific features and exact locations. Select the point tool and then click on any point on the map. 

  • Polygon. This tool produces boxes of any polygonal shape, and any orientation. Click anywhere on the map to start drawing, and drag the pointer to the following point in your polygon. Then click on each point of interest. To complete the polygon, double click on the first point. You can see how this tool works in the animation on the right.
  • Rectangle. This tool produces boxes with rectangular shape and fixed orientation. Click anywhere on the map to start drawing, and then drag the pointer to create the rectangle.

In the bottom left corner:

Image coordinates: this widget tells you at any point the x,y coordinates of your pointer in the image you are annotating

In the bottom right corner

Colour by: By default, you see the annotation in your documents colour-coded by categories. The meaning of the different categories, and their corresponding colours, is better explained in the section describing the annotation interface.

Recogito offers an alternative colour-coding, by editing process, that shows how complete the annotation is. It is possible to switch seamlessly from one to the other, according to the annotator's needs and preferences.

A more detailed description of the two visualisations can be found in the section Map view and Visualisation Tools.

More info:

  • If you are not happy with the placement of an annotation you can click on it, and then move it somewhere else on the image space. If you want to modify its shape, you can select the annotation and then click on any of the active points to modify the area selected. You can also just delete the annotation, and do it again. Annotation created with mapKurator can also be moved and modified.
  • The colour-codings work with both manual- and automatically-generated annotations.