Annotation preferences - machines-reading-maps/Tutorials-Newsletters GitHub Wiki

Access the document settings by clicking on the last icon on the main toolbar, and then choose "Annotation Preferences" from the left sidebar. You can set up annotation preferences at the beginning of your work, or change them at any point of the workflow.

The main options are:

Choice of gazetteers. You can select the gazetteers you want to see during the process of georesolution (i.e. associating a gazetteers entry with an annotation on the map). By default, all available gazetteers are selected, but you can choose to see only suggestions from some specific ones. For this workshop it is likely that only one gazetteer will be available, so you don’t need to worry about selecting the most appropriate one for the area or time period.

Controlled Vocabulary for Tags. You may find it useful to limit your tags to the options in a controlled vocabulary. This would improve consistency, especially in collaborative annotation processes. You can upload the list as a simple txt file, in the format of label/url, as shown in the annotation preferences.

More info

  • For this workshop we have made available a basic vocabulary, to show how constrained tags work in Recogito. However, you can upload your own list, if you prefer, or not use any list at all. Tags that appear in an uploaded vocabulary are still simply suggestions, to save you time and prevent typos and inconsistencies. But you are always able to type any free text in the tag field.

  • Associating a URI with your tag labels is not mandatory, but would improve the quality of data and make them easier to reuse.