01. Manager and config handling - mach3-software/MaCh3 GitHub Wiki
Manager class is meant to handle or manage configs. MaCh3 uses yaml configs. There are several necessary entires your config should have
Here you specify name of the output file and whether you want to run data fit, Asimov fit or fake data fit.
OutputFile: "blarb.root"
Asimov: True
RealData: False
FakeData: False
Here you load yaml configs describing each systematic type. What is important you load vector configs which are later merged into one Covariance Class which describes cross-section, flux etc.
XsecCovFile: ["inputs/SystematicsOA2024XsecSplineParams_noParName.yaml", "inputs/SystematicsOA2024XsecNormParams_noParName.yaml", "inputs/SystematicsOA2024XsecFunctionalParams_noParName.yaml", "inputs/SystematicsOA2024FluxParams_noParName.yaml"]
XsecCovName: "xsec_cov"
OscCovFile: "inputs/osc_covariance_2021_PDG2021_v1.root"
OscCovName: "osc_cov"
Number of steps for MCMC algorithm, and step scale. To learn more about step scale please visit chapter about diagnostic and step size tunning.
NSteps: 2000000
#KS: Sets how frequent (number of steps) you want to autosave your chain, if you autosave rarely chain will be sliglhy faster, if you job wall is small you might want more freqeunt autosave to reduce number of lost steps
#AutoSave: 500
AutoSave: 10000
UseReactorConstraint: No
#Burn in for posterior predictive code
BurnInSteps: 200000
XsecStepScale: 0.01
NdDetStepScale: 0.035
Likelihood type
Likelihood type which will be used in the fit.
#False means you calculate W2 histogram only during the first reweight, advisable for Barlow-Beesto
UpdateW2: false
TestStatistic: "Barlow-Beeston"
#TestStatistic: "Poisson"
#TestStatistic: "DembinskiAbdelmottele"
#TestStatistic: "IceCube"