Minimum Viable Product - mabrothers/weather-app GitHub Wiki

This build represents the minimum requirements in order to go to market based on the project requirements

The user is presented with 3 input fields, a switch, and a search button.

  • The user must enter data into either city or zip.
  • Country code is optional.
  • If the user enters both city and zip, zip is used for the search as it's more likely to be accurate.
  • Pressing enter on either city or zip they are moved to the country code field.
  • Search is initiated by either pressing enter in the country code field or tapping the search icon.
  • Tapping the switch changes between imperial and metric units
  • Scientific units (Kelvin) were available, but intentionally left out for a cleaner UI

  • Current Weather is loaded and displayed, followed by the forecast, so the user doesn't have to wait as long to start seeing results.
  • Both search and changing units are disabled while the weather is loading to prevent double tap bugs.
  • Current weather is displayed first. I'd like to add more details to this in the future.
  • Forecast weather is displayed underneath in 3 hour blocks, which is how it's returned by the API.
  • Only the most relevant data is displayed per block to keep from overloading the user.
  • For MVP a generic earth image was picked for the background and the main background color was pulled from that image.