Attendance Status - maar35/film-festival-planner GitHub Wiki

Attendance Status

All different forms of [screening labels] indicate the status of the screening by their background color.

Screening status covers fan attendance, overlap with attended screening, too little travel time, whether another screening of the same film is attended, whether tickets need to bought, and availability of me.

These are the availability statuses and the colors.

Screening status background color foreground color
Free $\color{rgb(0, 0, 0)}{\textsf{black}}$ white
Unavailable $\color{rgb(38, 38, 38)}{\textsf{off-black}}$ orange
Attending $\color{rgb(176, 0, 38)}{\textsf{red}}$ white
AttendedByFriend $\color{rgb(0, 38, 176)}{\textsf{blue}}$ white
AttendingFilm $\color{rgb(255, 215, 0)}{\textsf{yellow}}$ black
TimeOverlap $\color{rgb(219, 219, 219)}{\textsf{grey}}$ black
NoTravelTime $\color{rgb(176, 176, 176)}{\textsf{dark grey}}$ black
NeedingTickets $\color{rgb(176, 0, 176)}{\textsf{purple}}$ white