15 spacex app - maapteh/sandbox-graphql GitHub Wiki
Final Project: Spacex App
Backend | Frontend
Continue from branchmaster
For this exercise we are going to look at the api of https://api.spacexdata.com/v4/launches/latest
Assignment 1: Expose its ships
In this endpoint you will find the following data:
"ships": [
These are ships, not space ships. Create the graphql query 'spacexShips' which returns these ship id's. Nothing more. Make sure you can query:
spacexShips {
Assignment 2: Expose ship information
We returned the ship identification number. On the endpoint: https://api.spacexdata.com/v4/ships/ID
you will find ship information, so an example is: https://api.spacexdata.com/v4/ships/5ea6ed2e080df4000697c908
Now add a field 'info' to this SpacexShip and resolve with the above endpoint. Expose: 'type', 'image' and 'launches'. For the last ones only its id. Keep it simple. No need to use dataloader yet.
Assignment 3: Introduce dataloader for ship information
We saw we did request the ship information three times. This is not optimal. We dont have the batched endpoint available yet, but we can start optimizing our endpoint so it will execute the service call only once. Sometimes our services are not optimized for batches but we can start poor mens batching on our side.
Add a dataloader on the context (see for context ./pages/api/graphql/index). And consume it on the info endpoint. You will need a Promise.all and as learned from our workshop dataloader passes a collection of id's and returns the responses in the same order.
Assignment 4: Introduce dataloader and add launch information to a launch
We have learned how to extend and resolve on field level with having a dataloader in place. We start now doing the same for launch information.
The endpoint is: https://api.spacexdata.com/v4/launches/ID
and example is https://api.spacexdata.com/v4/launches/5eb87d0dffd86e000604b35b
Only expose the images collection. You will find it in:
"links": {
"flickr": {
"small": [],
"original": [
Make sure we are able to execute the following query:
spacexShips {
info {
launches {
Assignment 5: Add cacheControl in the service
We see that we request lots of services, but we can cache from using the CacheControl directive. Let's cache all for 5 minutes shall we?
Turn on cacheControl on ./pages/api/graphql/index
cacheControl: true,
plugins: [responseCachePlugin()],
- Add cacheControl directive to schema
- Add cacheControl directive to the schema types
Restart the server if you added all. If you did it correctly you will see no cache hint in playground and you will see no real service calls.
So good, when playground extension is like:
"extensions": {
"cacheControl": {
"version": 1,
"hints": []
Now you will think; but a ship has launches and a launch has ships. Well frontenders can do dumb queries, but dataloader makes sure the entity is only retrieved once and in our depth and complexity of the server we can prevent real stupid depths by telling oeps your query is not so smart. Also in modelling things can be solved. Its easy when you know.
Assignment 6: Expose the data in an app (FRONTEND)
When you followed the previous steps (or checkout branch 'spacex-solution-5' when you didn't want to do the server part) you are able to do the following query:
spacexShips {
info {
launches {
Make a new component and expose it on the first page.
Assignment 7: Reuse dataloader for retrieving single ship
Now add a single ship query and show us how you would do it. It's simple if you have the dataloader setup in place. Don't think too hard.
Make sure you can do the following query as the end of your coding results
spacexShip(id:"5ea6ed2e080df4000697c908") {
info {
So add the query 'spacexShip' to your schema and show us how to resolve.
- show the images in the frontend
- make endpoint for specific launch and re-use the dataloader. You will see you dont have to code anything simply use the dataloader
- make two frontend components with a different launch ID and see how it works in the frontend (batched query)
- do basically anything you want, you have the api, you own the data :)
Final Project - Solution: Spacex App
The solutions for the project can be found under the branches
Any questions? Ask Maapteh