14 integration testing - maapteh/sandbox-graphql GitHub Wiki
Chapter 14: Integration testing
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An important part of testing are integration or e2e tests. For our GraphQL API we can define these using Postman or any other HTTP testing tool.
GraphQL queries and mutations are sent to the server as POST
requests. The body of the request contains the query data:
"query": "query myQuery($id: id) { myQuery { myData } }",
"variables": { "id": 9001 },
"operationName": "myQuery"
This could of course also be a mutation.
To illustrate using cURL
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3007/api/graphql' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "query": "query myQuery(\$id: id) { myQuery { myData } }" }'
Assignment 14.1: Implement an integration test
To finish this chapter, implement an integration test using Postman or a tool of your choice. And make an assertion on the returned data that confirms it's performing the query correctly
Chapter 14 - Solution: Integration testing
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Assignment 14.1 - Solution: Implement an integration test
See postman collection in tests