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ofxMediaSystem Overview

ofxMediaSystem is a flexible data structure for generically composing data and logic in openFrameworks applications that require many different states of operation.

using namespace mediasystem;
SceneManager mSceneManager; 
//create new scene
std::shared_ptr<Scene> scene = mSceneManager.createScene<Scene>("myScene");

//create an empty entity
EntityHandle entityHandle = scene->createEntity();

//entities and their components are accessed through weak_ptr's
//the user should not store the contained shared_ptrs directly
auto entity = entityHandle.lock();

//entities have an interface for scene graphing and 3D transformations
entity->setPosition(windowCenter.x, windowCenter.y, 0.f);

//define a new component
struct SomeData {
    SomeData(float _speed):hitCount(0),speed(_speed){}
    int hitCount;
    float speed;

float speed = 10.f;
//add a data component to the entity, this returns a handle to access that data
std::weak_ptr<SomeData> componentHandle = entity->createComponent<SomeData>(speed);


struct SayMessage {
    SayMessage(Entity& ent, std::string m):myEntity(ent),message(std::move(m)){}
    std::string message;
    Entity& myEntity;
    void setMessage(std::string m){ message = std::move(m); }

    void draw(){
        auto pos = ent.getPosition();
        ofDrawBitMappedString(message, pos.x, pos.y);

//there's a default method for drawing things to the screen by creating a LayeredRenderer system.
//first describe what types you want to be able to draw.  NOTE: these types MUST have a void draw() method
using MyRenderer = ms::LayeredRenderer<SayMessage, ofMesh, ...etc>;


//to use the layered renderer, wrap your type in an ms::Drawable<typename T> wrapper, which priovides color, alpha, draw order, etc.
using DrawableMessage = ms::Drawable<SayMessage>;

//lets have this component put a message on screen, create the component and lock the handle to get the pointer
auto draw = entity->createComponent<DrawableMessage>(*entity, "Hello World").lock();
draw->setMessage(...); // the wrapper derives from the passed type giving access to all methods and members


mSceneManager.initScenes(); //will initialize ALL scenes
mSceneManager.changeSceneTo(scene); //will cause scene to 'transition in'
//will emit update event in the current scene
//a system could tie into that event to update the state of SomeData components

//will emit draw event in the current scene, which the LayeredRenderer will use to draw our text to screen
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