Initial User Stories - m-mrcr/twocents-be GitHub Wiki
As a registered user, When I’m at ‘/user/dashboard’, and I have added no recommendations, I see a message in the middle of the screen Saying “Search to find your recommendation”
At the bottom of the screen, I would have the toolbar Including menu, home, user info (in that order)
As a registered user, when I’m at ‘/user/dashboard’, And I begin to type in the search field As I type, the search field delivers suggestions
The suggestions are initially delivered from objects in the database If the database doesn’t have a similar match to what is being searched The Yelp API is then searched
As a registered user, When I tap on a search in the keyboard I’m shown the top results for the query
As a registered user, When I tap on a search result, I am taken to the result’s show page
For a location, the following attributes will be displayed:
- Title : string
- Star Rating : integer
- Review Count : integer
- Category : string
- Bookmarked : Boolean (this is from UserLocations table)
- Price : integer
- Hours : string
- Location : string
- Notes : text (this is from UserLocations table) Note: if the recommendation is not bookmarked, the notes section does not appear
As a registered user, When I visit And I tap on the bookmark The bookmark looks toggled And a record of that bookmark is created in the UserLocations table
As a registered user, When I visit user/dashboard And I have saved recommendations They appear sorted by categories In a carousel fashion With an image and the name of the rec.
As a registered user, When I tap on the menu button (left of center in bottom bar) I am shown a list of options Including: ‘Add Custom Recommendation’ ‘Notifications’
As a registered user, When I tap on the user button (right of center in bottom bar) I am shown my profile Including: My username My email Number of recommendations I have in the app
At the bottom of the page, I see a log out button
As a visitor, When I open the app, I am taken to /welcome And I see the app logo and title, A gif of how to use the app, And options to sign up or sign in with Google