Debian and Raspbian Installation - m-grant-prg/server-dependency GitHub Wiki

Debian and Raspbian packages are built and hosted at the openSUSE Build Service (OBS).

N.B. Packages used to be hosted at Bintray, this option is now deprecated. If you used the Bintray repositories please see the 'Bintray' section below.

To setup the OpenSUSE Build Service repository

To install this package

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install server-dependency

To uninstall this package

  • sudo apt-get remove server-dependency

The deprecated Bintray repository

The folks at Bintray are removing the service as of May 2021. Anyone using the Bintray repositories must convert to using OBS as described above before the end of April. I shall continue to push new package releases to Bintray until then.

To avoid apt error messages you must also remove the Bintray entry from your apt sources. This involves either:-

  • Editing your sources.list file and removing any Bintray entry by for example:-
    • sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list, or
  • By removing the file containing the Bintray entry from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/filename.list