7. Virtual Integration - m-division-2018-2019/Team-17 GitHub Wiki

Assembly of entire System


Circuit Diagram of Entire System


Flowchart of the working of entire system

Screenshot (3)

sl.no Part name Material of the parts Description about parts Quantity required
1 Bluetooth module 1
2 Battery 1
3 Adapter 12v 1
4 Arduino mega 2560 1
5 gripper 1
6 gears 1
7 jumper wires male to female 15
8 jumper wires male to male 15
9 outer body acrylic sheet 1
10 DC motor 300rpm 1
11 metal gear servo motor 2
12 micro servo motor 1
13 nuts and bolt
14 2-way tape
15 screws
16 insulation tapes