3. Conceptual designs - m-division-2018-2019/Team-17 GitHub Wiki
Template for Conceptual design
Task 2.1: Formulate the problem definition by listing objectives, constraints and functions.
Problem definition: Design a bot controlled remotely by gestures which can pick and place blocks and sort the blocks based on colours. It should be stable enough and respond as quickly as possible. The bot should be 1ft*1ft in length and breadth and height 1-3ft approximately. It should weigh less than 5 kg and should able to pick and place 3-4 objects of 20-25 grams in one minute. It should be able to sense the gestures made by the user upto a range of atleast 1-2 meters. It should cost approximately Rs.4000/- to 6000/-. It should be ready by 25th April,2019. The user should able to operate it by making hand gestures and should be able to bend, turn around and move forward. It should give an indication when there is no object around and should sense if there's any obstacle around.The bot should provide the user with the function of controlling the size of the gripper. such that he can stop the contraction and expansion of the gripper to hold the object or suck or attract the object.It should be able to give an indication to the user if he wins.
Task 2.2: List the inputs, outputs of the system and represent black box model.
Inputs | Outputs |
1. Cubes | 1. Sorted cubes based on colours. |
2. Electrical Power | 2. Mechanical energy |
3. Gesture | 3. Movement of the bot |
Task 2.3: List the functions of the system:
- Activating Machine
(a) Turn On
(b) Receive Command
(c) Calibrate
- User should be able to control it remotely.
(a) The user should make gesture
(b) The bot receives the signal
(c) The bot makes the movement based on the gestures made by the user.
3.The bot should provide the user with the function of controlling the size of the gripper such that he can stop the contraction and expansion of the gripper to hold the object or suck using vaccum or attract the object with a magnet.
(a) Take input from user on whether he want to open or close the gripper
(b) The bot should contract, expand, suck or attract as per the input
(c) Hold the object
- It should give an indication to the user that he has won the game.
(a) Verify whether all the boxes are placed one on top of other.
(b) Notify the user that he has won the game.
Functional tree
2.3.2 Write the glass box representation of the system in terms of functional blocks (requirements in the system with respect to user actions)
Task 2.4: Complete the morphological charts by exploring the alternative means of achieving the functions.
Function | Mean 1 | Mean 2 | Mean 3 | Mean 4 |
Activating Machine | Button | Voice Command | Digital Signal | |
Controller | HC-06 Bluetooth Module | RF-Module | Wi-fi | Cloud Network |
Holding mechanism | Rack and pinion gripper mechanism | Spur gear mechanism | Angular gripper mechanism | Pneumatic gripper mechanism |
Notification | Victory Music | Voice notification | Text Notification | Blinking LEDs |