Requirements - lzgit/SpecFlow.TableMapper GitHub Wiki
- Mandatory field Marking
- Customizable Table to Object Mapping
- ORM Entity Lookup by Id/Name support
- Methods: Compare, Translate, Check, ValueSets (Possible Values for Enum, etc.), Property sets
- Customizable conversions (Ignores, Conversion methods, Property name overrides)
- For the mapping multi level override possibilities. Mapping configuration Set Definitions
- Sample Table Generation
- Default Value specification (For not provided columns)
- Measurement Unit support at Decimals/Ints (100 %, 10 cm, 5 kb)
- Multiple Alternatives for Values (Bool: Y,N,True, False, ..., NullValue: Null, - , Empty)
- (Scopeable Mappings)
- JSON, XML, List, Array, Custom String parser support
- If possible: List or TableModel parameter for Step definitions (Automatic binder registration)
- Convetions for: PropertyNameing (Ending, Prefix), ConventionBasedConversion
- Empty column "detector" for Asserts/Comparison (To prevent unnecessary nullable Properties)
- Tool (T4 template) to generate Property/Value and multi row tables from a type with default values
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️