UDK2017 How to Build - lzeng14/tianocore GitHub Wiki

How to Build UDK2017

Table of Contents



The steps below are verified on Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise*:

  1. Setup Build Environment

    1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015* in the build machine and make sure that AMD64 complier was selected when installing.
    2. Download NASM 2.0.7 or later from http://www.nasm.us/ and install it to C:\Nasm. Make sure C:\Nasm is added to system environment variable 'PATH'
    3. Set up for using GitHub for Windows. See: https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Getting-Started-with-EDK-II#github-help
    4. Download and install Python2.7.x https://www.python.org/ for building the BaseTools Default install directory is: C:/Python27
  2. Create the full Source Code directory for the UDK2017 release

    1. Create a working space directory in the build machine, for example, C:\MyWorkspace
    2. Download the official UDK2017 release .zip file from the UDK2017 Release Page
      1. Download - UDK2017 edk-vUDK2017 Workspace Source code (zip file)
      2. Extract files in [edk2-vUDK2017] to the working space directory C:\MyWorkspace.
    3. OR Checkout the vUDK2017 Tag from GitHub with the following "git" command
      1. run git clone https://github.com/tianocore/edk2.git vUDK2017
      2. Move all files and folders under "vUDK2017" to "C:\MyWorkspace"
    4. Optional (See Compile the BaseTools below) Checkout BaseTools binaries and copy them to BaseTools binary folder. Warning the Windows* Binary tools are only valid for the tip of the https://github.com/tianocore/edk2 repository.
      1. Cd C:\MyWorkspace
      2. Run git clone https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-BaseTools-win32.git
      3. Enter folder edk2-BaseTools-win32
      4. Run the command git checkout 0e088c19ab31fccd1d2f55d9e4fe0314b57c0097
      5. Cd C:\MyWorkSpace
      6. Rename this folder from edk2-BaseTools-win32 to win32, then copy the win32 directory into the BaseTools/Bin directory under the workspace. (e.g. "C:\MyWorkspace\BaseTools\Bin")
  3. Generate OpenSSL* Crypto Library

    1. Open file "C:\MyWorkspace\CryptoPkg\Library\OpensslLib\OpenSSL-HOWTO.txt" and follow the instruction to install OpenSSL* for UEFI building. For this release, please use OpenSSL-1.1.0e.
  4. Compile the BaseTools (Skip if Optional Step 2.iv was done above) See: https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Windows-systems#compile-tools

    1. Open a Microsoft Visual Studio* command prompt, type cd C:\MyWorkspace to enter the workspace directory
    2. Compile the BaseTools C source tools
	set PYTHON_HOME=C:\Python27
        set EDK_TOOLS_PATH=%CD%\BaseTools
        BaseTools\toolssetup.bat Rebuild
  1. Build Steps *** NT32 ***

    1. Open a Microsoft Visual Studio* command prompt, type cd C:\MyWorkspace to enter the workspace directory
    2. Use edksetup.bat command to initialize the working environment. edksetup --nt32
    3. Type following command to build Nt32 platform build -t VS2015x86
    4. Upon the build completing successfully there should be the UEFI Application "HelloWorld.efi" in the C:\MyWorkspace\Build\MdeModule\DEBUG_VS2015x86\IA32 directory


The below steps are verified on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Desktop*:

  1. Setup Build Environment

    1. Follow instructions for setting up the build environment on tianocore.org. "https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Using-EDK-II-with-Native-GCC"
    2. Please notice that here the root is "~/src/MyWorkspace" instead of "~/src/edk2"
    3. Make sure BaseTools is built and required software like iASL compiler are installed. Some operations need switch to user "root" to execute. At Ubuntu, you can type "sudo apt-get install git" under terminal prompt "Cnt-Alt-T" to install git.
    4. Install NASM 2.0.7 or later. At Ubuntu, you can type "sudo apt-get install nasm" under terminal prompt to install it. You can also download the source package from http://www.nasm.us/ and install it following the instruction on the website.
    5. Install IASL 20150818 or later. At Ubuntu, you can type "sudo apt-get install iasl" under terminal prompt to install it. You can also download the source package from https://acpica.org/downloads and install it following the instruction on the website.
    6. Install the C Compiler- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS you can use GNU C compiler (v5.4.0) At Ubuntu, you can type "sudo apt-get install gcc-5" under terminal prompt to install it.
  2. Create the full Source Code directory for the UDK2017 release

    1. Create a working space directory in the build machine, for example, ~/src/MyWorkspace
    2. Download the official UDK2017 release .tar file from the UDK2017 Release Page
      1. Download - UDK2017 edk-vUDK2017 Workspace Source code (tar.gz file)
      2. Extract files in [edk2-vUDK2017] to the working space directory ~/src/MyWorkspace.
    3. OR Checkout the vUDK2017 tag from GitHub with the following "git" command
      1. Run "git clone https://github.com/tianocore/edk2.git vUDK2017"
      2. Move all files and folders under "vUDK2017" to "~/src/MyWorkspace"
  3. Generate OpenSSL* Crypto Library

    1. Open file "~/src/MyWorkspace/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/OpenSSL-HOWTO.txt" and follow the instruction to install OpenSSL* for UEFI building. For this release, please use OpenSSL-1.1.0e.
  4. Build Steps *** MdeModulePkg ***

    1. Open a terminal and type "cd ~/src/MyWorkspace" to enter the workspace directory.
    2. First build the BaseTools by typing "make -C BaseTools"
    3. Initialize the build environment by typing ". edksetup.sh".
    4. Type following command to build platforms using GCC v5.4.0
      "build -p MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc -t GCC5"
    5. Upon the build completing successfully there should be the UEFI Application "HelloWorld.efi" in the ~/src/MyWorkspace/Build/MdeModule/DEBUG_GCC5/IA32 directory

If you have questions please email the edk2-devel mail list.

See also Getting Started with EDK II

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