EDK II - lzeng14/tianocore GitHub Wiki
EDK II is a modern, feature-rich, cross-platform firmware development environment for the UEFI and PI specifications. EDK II is open source, using a BSD license.
Source Repositories
EDK II Main Repository
EDK II Staging Repository (features in development)
Additional Repositories
- Backup repositories: bitbucket | sourceforge
- Deprecated Repositories: sourceforge | github (svn mirror)
email {edk2-devel}
irc {#edk2 on www.oftc.net, setup, web client}
TianoCore uses Bugzilla for Reporting Issues and Reporting Security Issues.
Current list of Tasks identified by the EDK II community.
Stable Releases
Stable releases, based on validation using various platforms, are labeled as "UEFI Development Kit" (UDK). The year tag indicates the year of major specifications used for the release.
[UDK2018]] ](/lzeng14/tianocore/wiki/[UDK2017) | [UDK2015]] | UDK2010
Stable Tags
Stable tags are created on edk2/master
based on validation using various platforms. Stable tags names use
the format edk2-stable<4 digit year><2 digit month>