Led RGB - lyzadanger/johnny-five GitHub Wiki

The Led.RGB class constructs objects that represent an RGB Led.


  • options
Property Name Type Value(s) Description Required
pins Object ``` { red: 3, green: 5, blue: 6 } ``` Sets the pins for each corresponding color yes
  • pins
Property Name Type Value(s) Description Required
red Number Any PWM pin on board Sets the Led's red pin yes
green Number Any PWM pin on board Sets the Led's green pin yes
blue Number Any PWM pin on board Sets the Led's blue pin yes
  • pins An Array containing the respective values for the red, green and blue pins.
var digital = new five.Led.RGB([9, 10, 11]);


  red: Led object
  green: Led object
  blue: Led object


var five = require("johnny-five");

five.Board().on("ready", function() {
  var a = new five.Led.RGB([ 9, 10, 11 ]);

  var b = new five.Led.RGB({
    pins: {
      red: 3,
      green: 5,
      blue: 6

    a: a,
    b: b



  • on() Turn the led on.

    var led = new five.Led.RGB([9, 10, 11]);
  • off() Turn the Led off.

    var led = new five.Led.RGB([9, 10, 11]);
  • color(value) Sets the Led color.

    var led = new five.Led.RGB([9, 10, 11]);
  • toggle() Toggle the current state, if on then turn off, if off then turn on.

    var led = new five.Led.RGB([9, 10, 11]);
  • strobe(ms) Strobe/Blink the Led on/off in phases over ms. This is an interval operation and can be stopped by calling led.stop(), however that will not necessarily turn it "off". Defaults to 500ms.

    var led = new five.Led.RGB([9, 10, 11]);
    // Strobe on-off in 500ms phases
  • brightness(0-255) Set the brightness of led. This operation will only work with Leds attached to PWM pins.

    var led = new five.Led.RGB([9, 10, 11]);
    // This will set the brightness to about half 
  • fadeIn(ms) Fade in from current brightness over ms. This is an interval operation and can be stopped by calling pin.stop(), however that will not necessarily turn it "off". This operation will only work with Leds attached to PWM pins.

    var led = new five.Led.RGB([9, 10, 11]);
    // Fade in over 500ms.
  • fadeOut(ms) Fade out from current brightness over ms. This is an interval operation and can be stopped by calling pin.stop(), however that will not necessarily turn it "off". This operation will only work with Leds attached to PWM pins.

    var led = new five.Led.RGB([9, 10, 11]);
    // Fade out over 500ms.
  • pulse(ms) Pulse the Led in phases from on to off over ms time. This is an interval operation and can be stopped by calling pin.stop(), however that will not necessarily turn it "off". This operation will only work with Leds attached to PWM pins.

    var led = new five.Led.RGB([9, 10, 11]);
    // Pulse from on to off in 500ms phases
  • stop(ms) For interval operations, call stop to stop the interval. stop does not necessarily turn "off" the Led, in order to fully shut down an Led, a program must call stop().off(). This operation will only work with Leds attached to PWM pins.

    var led = new five.Led.RGB([9, 10, 11]);
    // Pulse from on to off in 500ms phases
    ...Sometime later...


Led objects are output only and therefore do not emit any events.


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