Linking Embers with your DAW - lyricwulf/Embers GitHub Wiki

Embers is compatible with DAWs out-of-the-box using MIDI signals.


  1. You should have Embers installed.
  2. You should have a DAW of your choice installed.
  3. To connect Embers to a DAW, you will need a MIDI routing program on your computer. I recommend loopMIDI


  1. Download and install the MIDI routing app.
  2. Create a new MIDI port in the routing app. I use the port name Embers Out. image
  3. Open Embers and navigate to the Settings menu. Set the MIDI Output to Embers Out.
  4. Open your DAW and add the Embers input in the MIDI menu. Select your instruments as you would normally do in DAW.

Now, all MIDI signals will be passed through Embers and sent to your DAW, so you can choose your own sounds while playing a MIDI file or Live Playing.