osquery Filebeat Elasticsearch Kibana - lyonwang/TechNotes GitHub Wiki
osquery Installation
choco install osquery
- Prepare C:\ProgramData\osquery\osquery.conf from C:\ProgramData\osquery\osquery.example.conf
// Configure the daemon below:
"options": {
// Select the osquery config plugin.
"config_plugin": "filesystem",
// Select the osquery logging plugin.
"logger_plugin": "filesystem",
// The log directory stores info, warning, and errors.
// If the daemon uses the 'filesystem' logging retriever then the log_dir
// will also contain the query results.
//"logger_path": "/var/log/osquery",
// Set 'disable_logging' to true to prevent writing any info, warning, error
// logs. If a logging plugin is selected it will still write query results.
//"disable_logging": "false",
// Splay the scheduled interval for queries.
// This is very helpful to prevent system performance impact when scheduling
// large numbers of queries that run a smaller or similar intervals.
//"schedule_splay_percent": "10",
// A filesystem path for disk-based backing storage used for events and
// query results differentials. See also 'use_in_memory_database'.
//"database_path": "/var/osquery/osquery.db",
// Comma-delimited list of table names to be disabled.
// This allows osquery to be launched without certain tables.
//"disable_tables": "foo_bar,time",
"utc": "true"
// Define a schedule of queries:
"schedule": {
// This is a simple example query that outputs basic system information.
"system_info": {
// The exact query to run.
"query": "SELECT hostname, cpu_brand, physical_memory FROM system_info;",
// The interval in seconds to run this query, not an exact interval.
"interval": 3600
// My log
"sample_query": {
// The exact query to run.
"query": "SELECT DISTINCT process.name, listening.port, process.pid FROM processes AS process JOIN listening_ports AS listening ON process.pid = listening.pid WHERE listening.address = '';",
// The interval in seconds to run this query, not an exact interval.
"interval": 10
// Decorators are normal queries that append data to every query.
"decorators": {
"load": [
"SELECT uuid AS host_uuid FROM system_info;",
"SELECT user AS username FROM logged_in_users ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1;"
// Add default osquery packs or install your own.
// There are several 'default' packs installed with 'make install' or via
// packages and/or Homebrew.
// Linux: /usr/share/osquery/packs
// OS X: /var/osquery/packs
// Homebrew: /usr/local/share/osquery/packs
// make install: {PREFIX}/share/osquery/packs
"packs": {
// "osquery-monitoring": "/usr/share/osquery/packs/osquery-monitoring.conf",
// "incident-response": "/usr/share/osquery/packs/incident-response.conf",
// "it-compliance": "/usr/share/osquery/packs/it-compliance.conf",
// "osx-attacks": "/usr/share/osquery/packs/osx-attacks.conf",
// "vuln-management": "/usr/share/osquery/packs/vuln-management.conf",
// "hardware-monitoring": "/usr/share/osquery/packs/hardware-monitoring.conf",
// "ossec-rootkit": "/usr/share/osquery/packs/ossec-rootkit.conf"
- Install osquery windows service and Start service
powershell C:\ProgramData\osquery\manage-osqueryd.ps1 -install
powershell C:\ProgramData\osquery\manage-osqueryd.ps1 -start
- Stop filebeat windows service add prospector and index
- input_type: log
# Paths that should be crawled and fetched. Glob based paths.
- C:\ProgramData\osquery\log\osqueryd.results.log
#- c:\programdata\elasticsearch\logs\*
# Exclude lines. A list of regular expressions to match. It drops the lines that are
# matching any regular expression from the list.
#exclude_lines: ["^DBG"]
# Include lines. A list of regular expressions to match. It exports the lines that are
# matching any regular expression from the list.
#include_lines: ["^ERR", "^WARN"]
# Exclude files. A list of regular expressions to match. Filebeat drops the files that
# are matching any regular expression from the list. By default, no files are dropped.
#exclude_files: [".gz$"]
# Optional additional fields. These field can be freely picked
# to add additional information to the crawled log files for filtering
application: osquery
host: UAT-Zeus-02
type: osquery_json
codec: json
# review: 1
json.message_key: log
fields_under_root: true
#-------------------------- Elasticsearch output ------------------------------
# Array of hosts to connect to.
hosts: ["", ""]
index: "others-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
- index: "osquery-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
type: "osquery_json"
- Restart Filebeat windows service