Configure Development Environment - lyncode/dspace-springui GitHub Wiki
Configuring project in Eclipse IDE
- Before starting you must contact João Melo in order to give you access as committer to the github project.
- SpringUI is developed using Eclipse IDE (Juno) JavaEE - if you don't want to use it, you are on your own.
Let's start.
Installing Eclipse plugins
Open Eclipse IDE
Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace.
Install m2e-wtp (search for it) - Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP (Incubation)
Install run-jetty-run
Install EGit
Get the code!
Clone the github repository to your own PC.
From now on one will assume the cloned repository is located somewhere on your hardrive and one will mention it as <SPRINGUI-SRC>
Import the project
- Go to File -> Import
- Go to Maven -> Existing Maven Project
- Click Browse... and select directory
- Click Finish
Share project
- Right click the newly imported project -> Team -> Share project...
- Select Git option and click Next
- Click Finish
Configure Hot Deploy
- Select the DSpace SpringUI Project (on Eclipse IDE project list)
- Go to Run (Menu Item) -> Run Configuration...
- Right click the Jetty Webapp item and click New
- In the first tab, change the jetty version to the last one.
- Go to Source Monitor List tab and check the Enable Scanner option.
- Click apply and that's it!