Home - lyeung/elwood-parent GitHub Wiki


This page serves as the official wiki for this project.

Elwood is an experimental build server that consists of:

  • elwood-parent (back-end build server)
  • elwood-ui (lightweight front-end application)

For high-level designs click here.


ELWOOD-PARENT is a back-end REST service that builds a project by cloning a repository, start the build process and captures the build result.

Current implementation only supports:

  • Git
  • Maven projects + JUnit
  • All data are persisted into Redis.


ELWOOD-UI is a front-end application written in AngularJS. It performs REST calls to ELWOOD-PARENT to kickstart a build job and monitors the build process.

Getting Started elwood-parent


  • JDK 8
  • Git
  • Maven 3.3.3+
  • Redis3

Building this project

Running this project

  • Deploy elwood-parent to a web container
  • Run elwood-ui (see here on how to start the UI)


All releases are usually made up of at least 3 main features. The features are planned, uncommitted and may be replaced depending on the feasibility of these feature concepts. Ideally, they should have story points of 3 or below to maintain an incremental development and to keep the momentum going.

A release name will be assigned to each release and will have:

  • a name of periodic element indicating a back-end release (elwood-parent)
  • a symbol of period element indicated a front-end release (elwood-ui)
  • matching periodic element names and symbols mean they come from the same bundle (e.g. aluminium and al)

Planned Releases

1.1.0 Release (aluminium+al)

Official Releases

2016-06-26 Release 1.1.0 (aluminium+al)

Concept Designs

High-Level Concept Designs