Since the great oxidation event, things can burn! Why is combustion important to... everything?
What are the hemispheric differences in chimpanzees?
Were there food shortages before the French Revolution?
Why is it so hard to focus on what is in front of us, here and now, compared with ruminating about the past or worrying about the future (this is a WHY question, not a should)?
What makes particular collaborations feel like play, even when there is stress, difficulty, and struggle?
Why does music make us feel so good?
Who is the voice(s) in our head and who perceives that voice? From where do these voices arise (phylogentically, ontogenetically, biologically)?
Where are memories stored? If they're not stored, how do they remain seemingly intact?
Where does our sense of self come from and have all humans felt this "self" across evolutionary time?
Why does falling in love feel the same at 15 and 75 years old? (Whereas
How does love at first sight, or love at first conversation, happen? What are the neural mechanisms and physiology outside of the mind that underlies that feeling and can we ask about its evolutionary advantage?