Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny - lydgate/mindmeld GitHub Wiki
See Recapitulation theory - Wikipedia.
Interesting developments
- Opposable thumbs
- Oceanic feeling
- Vision (distinction)
- Attention to faces
- Joint attention
- Walking (upright gait)
- Language
- Theory of mind
- Selfhood/Ego Formation
- Deception
- Fire
- Tool use
- Clothing/awareness of nakedness
- Suffering/depression
- "Age of reason"
- Lack of estrous cycle
- Menopause
- Glabrousness
Places to drill down
- Iain McGilchrist, The Master & His Emissary
- Carhart-Harris, "The Entropic Brain"
- Gottlieb's epigenetic landscape
Future Readings
- On the evolutionary origins of cooperative behaviour. Links importantly with intersubjectivity, co-creation of the self, social baseline theory, and Slavich Questions:
- https://henrich.fas.harvard.edu/files/henrich/file/henrich_and_muthukrishna_the_origins_and_psychology_of_human_cooperation_final.pdf
- Authors use cultural evolution, dual inheritance theory, and the extended evolutionary synthesis as their theoretical frameworks & evaluate connected theories and evidence, taking psychology in particular in mind
- Table of Contents.jpg (UGH. IG doesn't know how to upload picture that has no URL but would be a good summary and tease)
- Note: link is to final version of paper, but not the published because it's not open access. IG will get the pdf through university and upload if preferred.
- Is this a very wrong idea, that is worth drilling down ever-deeper because this very wrong path can lead to some very right/compelling truths? More specifically, this recapitulation idea is so seductive that it can be taken too far, much like a lot of Lamarckian hypotheses are so very wrong once you understand Darwin well.
- I'm suggesting by going deep into this rabbit hole, we'd be following Goro Shimura's idea of "making many mistakes, mostly in the right direction”. There are a lot of ideas that are very creative, and end up being very wrong (i.e., no where in our ontogeny do we go through a reptilian phase). But the process of pursuing these very wrong ideas leads us to much better ones, ones that we wouldn't have stumbled upon if we had stayed in our lane. And this is also the bonus of collaborating with a creative partner: s/he can suspend judgement long enough to entertain a whacky idea, and then act as a sparring partner at the right time, to help grapple with contradictory data/hypotheses/theories that may more accurately reflect reality. But first you need that partner to validate that the idea is at least interesting, worth drilling down. Latter part also related to Joint Salon: Networked Minds Social Zettelkasten