Joint Salon: Networked Minds Feedback - lydgate/mindmeld GitHub Wiki
Feedbacks on Networked Thought Salon
Networked Thought Salon 9/39f.
"Networked Minds: The History and Future of Collaboration" by @PlayNiceInst and @bryankam
You know that it was an intense salon when I had to record and upload an 18-minute personal recap before going to sleep
The flow of the conversations was especially impressive and the fact that we could just keep on talking makes me want to organize or attend some sort of “ii mega salon”
Imagine a salon that goes for 24h straight with many hosts and people will hop in and leave as their time zone allows them to!!! That will allow for enough time for the conversations to go in whichever direction people want
Bogdan: "Great salon, Bryan! Thank you 🤗"
Harry: "Congratulations on the salon yesterday though man - that was one of the most successful ones I've ever been to, I think!" Tweet: "Megasalon" is right - this was absolutely spectacular! Huge congrats to @bryankam and @PlayNiceInst - vibes off the charts, and an insane firehose of information to try to process in real-time. So grateful for these things. Red heart" "Yeah man, the energy was amazing. One of the biggest salons I've been to in a long time, as well."
Olena: "Congrats, it’s been amazing. When did you go to sleep? I had hard time falling asleep! The energy in the room was insane." Tweet: "Was one hell of a party!"
"I loved every minute of it! It was the closest thing we can have to a party really"
Ernie: "Well done, man! That was intense, but quite nice. It was a LOT of people. I upped my screen display to 50 and was kind of on anxiety adrenaline the entire time between that and the chat. It was a total pleasure."
Matjaž: "It was huge in terms of people but also great. Lots of interesting stuff was covered there."
Anna: "So good to hear! It was fabulous!! I was so touched haha"
Jesse: "It was good to see, very lively!"
Indy: "It was great! Although I wish I'd had more energy to contribute :wink: As always, so many threads and directions the conversation could go in." r
Rick: "Amazing salon. What stood out for me was the energy that came from forty people in the room, and with some live points of view, in that that's what people are going through in terms of collaboration and networked thinking, as well as some more specialist or technical points of view. Would have been wild to host, I meant the conversation could have gone deeper and broader and deeper and broader for hours. As for follow-up, we could talk about the technologies (like Roam multiplayer as opposed to self-referential), my thought/block-reference being used by someone else.
Hey giving you the voice no treatment to respond to 'How do I find that?': It was awesome. Its really good to manage such a big room and still have it feel fairly intimate. Like that's a tough thing to do! I think the topic was rich and rewarding and people brought all sorts of different views.
It definitely could be a full series, but what's interesting to me is like you could have the same conversation with the same people 5 times it will be totally different. Like you wouldn't need to be like collaboration duos, collaboration scenes, code, knowledge flows. You wouldn't need to split it up by topic, you could just do exactly the same thing and see where it goes.
You could be like last time we talked about this at this time maybe we talk more about that yeah really good vibes.
I think the interplay of you and Isabela was great because it kind of grounds some of your abstract and theoretical stuff in something a bit more human, and then for her also like you raise the level of intellectual complexity, so in terms of framing the topic I think it's like a great balance. It was awesome I had tons of fun even though I was feeling a bit tired with the ends and had been sitting in a chair for 15 hours and so my back was hurting but I loved it and I hope you'll do more soon.
Sylvia: "It was really great! You guys did an amazing job! It was a super interesting discussion, lots of perspectives, and it felt intimate, as if you were at a party with friends. And you really broke the ice when said you leave voice notes while walking around naked hahaha. Can't wait for the next one!"
Hey Bryan! Of course, it was one of those rare salons where I had a ticket for it weeks in advance, and v glad I did! So much good stimulation, and way to make 3 hours feel like not enough time I had to do some minor wrestling with the demons of resentment about day job and insecurities about lack of super exciting examples of collaboration and whatnot, and it's funny how much such a big group affects my experience of salons I have loads of tabs open now that I wanna look through, but tbh, the main thing I want to DO, not read or learn atm
I thought it was excellent. I think you could honestly do the exact same salon again and still get something out of it. Do a recap and see where it goes from there. I liked how it was a conversation about the overall virtues but also some of the practicalities like "what can software do?" I only meant to be there for the beginning but the passion in the room was awesome I'm sorry i had to leave. My wife was literally like "Come to bed" . I'm tired. lol I think the way you picked people out and brought them in was good too.
Hi Bryan! Thank you! I loved it. One of my favorite salons so far. There was so much we could’ve touched on, it felt like we could’ve continued for hours. Very rich topic, and people had so much interesting stuff to say!
One idea I liked was the way that collaboration between people is generative, emergent, etc. and one idea I want to explore is how conflict between people is also generative... not in the competition to improve each other sense but that when people are embroiled in real conflict that the conflict takes a certain shape and creates new things. I'm not sure if it's a rich vein but it piqued my interest.
The big one though is probably this area around steady technological progress - which aspects of technology are always treated as worthwhile and virtuous (speed, scale, etc.), how our economy shapes those things, all these layered societal effects on language, culture, nature, etc., the ways that our choices to use/support a technology are often individualized but the collective effects are not usually what we signed up for, and what it might look like to lean into the opposites - slowness, smallness, naturalness, etc.
I think it was just a large meeting, and was missing some of that organic, emergent spark of people just jumping in and chiming in—but the group that came together last night was def something moving.
Each person brought in a perspective that really made me think, and I love that the most!
Hi Bryan! It was great meeting you too. I really enjoyed yesterday's conversation and thought you and Isabela were great hosts! I've attended two other salons with varying numbers (5 and about 10) so it's been nice to see how different size affects the discussion. This one was particularly helpful in terms of thinking about what salon themes resonate across disciplines/experiences––everyone had something to say yesterday!
I was wondering how you came up with the topic, and how many salons you've hosted previously? I'm looking forward to hosting one after attending a few more!
HI Isabela - thanks for inviting me to the salon. I was thinking to myself that maybe the best outcome of the whole thing was your running list of concepts, each of which could probably grow into its own salon. But I'm guessing you have a greater vision for all that. I'm eager to learn about it, along with hearing your thoughts about ii in general and how you relate to it. I simultaneously find it deliciously stimulating and totally overwhelming, but if you have figured out a path through it all, I would love to follow. Anyway, I hope we can chat when you get the chance.
Sincerely, Andrew
supreme salon. Brava! Messaged with Brian a little today, too. threads for days...
What is self-evidently interesting: the dynamics of scenes past and present; tools for collective thought and work, past and present, and is the new stuff actually new in an important way?; what are the conditions/ingredients for designing collabs What I find extra fascinating is the probable post-pandemic surge in connection, reconnection, designing of spaces and times. An overcorrection from lockdown perhaps. But, this is the re-bundling I mentioned... and I think there'll be some glorious successes. New and lasting models, rebundled uni campuses, offices, theatre.
Hey Isabela! Congratulations on the salon last night - my god, that was an absolute resounding success!!
Isabela, it was so good! I also chatted with Bryan about it this morning, and although I find at that size the salon is more a podcast to me than a collaboration in itself (lol, cos for such a topic 3 hours is so short and I end up feeling either competitive to contribute or lay back and tune in), it was clearly such a hype drive for all the topics that came out of it. Already feeling fomo for any potential future ones i can't make haha! I wanna DO, is the main thing. My overarching feeling during the salon was 'damn i wanna DO stuff with so many people on so many things'
Loved it!:heart: Will get back to you about this for your notes:hugging_face:
apropos last salon: the second suggestion made me jump cause i was thinking about it a lot during the salon -- tiddlywiki. i used it to manage my cross canada trip in veggie oil burning car (butter!). The salon itself was fucking awesome. Let's talk this weekend re. specifics.