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The controlled Chaos of Creativity source author: Scott Barry Kauffman, Scientific American, June, 2014 Sarnoff Mednick: definining creativity as: “the forming of associative elements into new combinations which either meet specific requirements or are in some way useful. The more mutually remote the elements of the new combination, the more creative the process or solution.” Mednick: creative people have flatter associative nets; they can reach further out laterally to ideas that are more remote from one another in domains Mednick created the Remote Associates Test (RAT) often used to measure creativity Melissa Schilling has a related model of creativity called the "Network model of cognitive insight": it's like a tetris puzzle coming into solution; the parts shunk together into smaller units when you have an insight, disparate parts turn into a whole, causing a shorter path length from idea to idea network science tools have been used to map words that creative people use and figure out how many nodes and connections (and distance between connections) there are Article also mentions Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA): objective scoring method to derive semantic distance insight Can we use LSA to quantify the creative conversations of parents and teens about media use? Do dyads with more creative indices or higher LSA measures have warmer relationships? study idea Creativity or creative thinking doesn't just involve divergent thinking; it also is correlated with IQ and working memory, suggesting that convergence is just as important as divergence. This is why cognitive control is so important: the ability to suppress some ideas or thoughts is important to keep going down a constrained pathway of thinking. I can see how this is related to perseverance as well. insightI wonder if anxiety and depression are linked to low levels of divergent thinking and high levels of convergent; this is just another way to define rigidity, but may be an interesting way to find new measures of texting processes related to psychopathology; may also be useful for studies we do in the wild with journal entries like #selfcare study idea Taken together, a group of studies suggest that: Creative cognition relies on both cognitive control (updating, flexibility, and inhibition) and associative chaos (a loosely structured knowledge base). So...: Creativity is both controlled and chaotic insightmentorshipSome students seem to have an unbalanced cognitive system where either they are far too high in associative chaos without enough reigning in (sometimes NG and AM) or too much cognitive control without much chaos (so rigid, not novel or creative). The key to mentoring thinking and writing is trying to assess this balance and intervene/teach the parts that need strengthening Default Mode Network (which I often refer to as the "Imagination Network") is involved in “constructing dynamic mental simulations based on personal past experiences such as used during remembering, thinking about the future, and generally when imagining alternative perspectives and scenarios to the present.”