UI and CLI modes; passing Options - lybros/appa GitHub Wiki
Use cases
- Default mode is UI. By running
you simply call GUI with default project options. Project options are not stored with project configuration (and there're reasons for that). Equivalent to./appa --mode=ui
- UI with predefined options. You may specify some options, defined in
. This will overwrite default ones. Examples:./appa --num_threads=3
or./appa --mode=ui --descriptor_type=SIFT --shared_calibration
In CLI mode you must specify which action and with which project to perform. Options:
./appa --mode=cli --cli_mode=new --project_name=cli-project --project_path=/projects/ --images_path=/images/dataset0/ --action=reconstruction
- creates new project and runs reconstruction../appa --mode=cli --cli_mode=open --project_path=/projects/cli-project/ --action=reconstruction
- opens an existent project and runs reconstruction../appa --mode=cli --cli_mode=temp --images_path=/images/dataset0/ --action=reconstruction
- creates temporary project, performs an action and removes it afterwards. It may be useful to specify--output_path
in this mode.
In addition to these basic sets, you may also pass any parameters from src/options.cpp
- Example:
./appa --mode=cli --cli_mode=temp --images_path=/images/dataset0/ --action=reconstruction --num_threads=4 --max_num_features=5000 --use_camera_intrinsics_prior --match_out_of_core --match_strategy=BruteForce