HOWTO: adding options - lybros/appa GitHub Wiki

HOWTO add a new option to the app

  • add a private field to the Options class: int num_threads_. We don't usually create getters or setters for them: some classes has friend access to the fields.
  • you may want your new option to be returned from Options class: add it to an appropriate public method (like Options::GetReconstructionEstimatorOptions()) or create your own.
  • define default value and make your options parseable using DEFINE_bool, DEFINE_string, ... macros in src/options.cpp. That would allow GFlags to read your option from command line.
  • initialize your private field either with default value or with option from CL by adding the rules to Options::ParseCommandLineArguments() method.

in the moment we don't have any options, which we don't want to be definable through CL. In case you want to add some I would recommend implementing Options::Init() method with default, for which we don't want to have a DEFINE macro.


you may want your options to be changeable from UI.

  • add the label and/or data-input widget to the ui/options_dialog.ui file to the appropriate section. Give the widget a non-default name (try to be consistent with existent naming). Example: optimize_focal_length_checkBox
  • initialize widget in accordance with your option: add the rules to OptionsDialog::InitializeForms() method.
  • implement a return of an option from the dialog back to the app by implementing the rules in OptionsDialog::accept() method. You may want to add verification.

CLI-only options

are defined using GFlags macros in cli/cli.cpp. This options will be then accessible in cli/ only.