Scarab is a Strava clone that allows users securely map, track, and share stockpiles routes with trusted preppers. When disaster strikes, the key to any any effective buggout plan is community coordination.
Hosting On Heroku (3/15/2021 | .5 day)
New Account Creation (3/15/2021 | 1 day)
Users can sign up, sign in, log out
Demo login credentials provided for full site access
Users can't use certain features without logging in (creating routes & interacting with private profile content)
Creating Supply Routes (3/17/2021 | 2 days)
Logged in User can create and save Routes
Supply Routes use longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate waypoints to form segments
User can set a Supply Route's privacy to public, private, or protected (visible only to trusted profiles)
Supply Routes can be updated and destroyed
Saving Buggout Drills (3/19/2021 | 1 days)
Logged in User can save Buggout Drills for a chosen Supply Route
Buggout Drills have User generated notations and select a mode of transportation
User can set Buggout Drills privacy to public, private, or protected (visible only to trusted profiles)
Mode of transportation can be updated
Buggout Drills can be destroyed
Scarab Feed (3/21/2021 | 1 days)
Logged in User has a Scarab Feed
Scarab feeds appropriately displays Supply Routes based on privacy setting
Scarab feeds appropriately displays Buggout Drills based on privacy setting
Logged in User can view Scarab Feed of trusted profiles
Buggout Drill Analytics (3/22/2021 | 3 day)
Saving a Buggout Drill generate analytics per Route Segment and cumulatively for entire Supply Route
Updating a Buggout Drill generates new analytics
Analytics are calculated using the distance and time from each segment
Analytics for a Supply Route's Buggout Drill are grouped by mode of transportation
Production README (.5 Days)
Outline features that made it to production
Bonus (* Days)
(Friends, Workout Comments, Social Feed)
A User has a Trusted Circle of User Accounts
Supply Routes can be shared with Trusted Circle Accounts
Buggout Drill Analytics for a Shared Supply Route compare all associated Users