Demo - luzi82/NagatoQuery GitHub Wiki



java -jar NagatoQueryDemo.jar


It is game of life. You may see GOL> in shell output. Input help and you will see a list of commands.


randall: Ramdomize all cell

setall VALUE: Set all cell. All cell become white when VALUE=true, otherwise black. (But by the rule of game of life, all cell will become black in next turn.)

setcell X Y VALUE: Set the value of a cell.

setrect X Y WIDTH HEIGHT VALUE: Set the value of a region

start: Start game of life emulation

stop: Stop game of life emulation

startserver PORT: Start a TCP server, so you can control the board by telnet.

help: Show a help page.

stopserver: Stop the TCP server.

exit: Quit console and stop the app.