Installation - luxigo/Lexicon-MPX-G2-Editor GitHub Wiki

Building and Installing the Lexicon MPX G2 Editor

If you are building from source you should only need 2 things:

  • python - version 2.5 or higher. The build tools distributed with the project run on python.

  • libssl-dev - If you plan to use SSL/TLS encryption in your networking, you'll need this. Libssl is the library used in the openssl tool. On Linux and Unix systems it can usually be installed with your favorite package manager. The lib comes pre- installed on OS X.

Known Issues

If you receive an error during ./configure like this

File ".../tools/waf-light", line 157, in <module>
     import Scripting
File ".../tools/wafadmin/", line 146
     except Utils.WafError, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

it is because Python3 is your default Python version. To fix this issue you have to set Python2 temporary as your default Python:

export PYTHON=`which python2`

Maybe you need to change your PYTHONHOME as well. If you have any further installation problems ask questions to the community.

GNU/Linux and other UNIX

Do something like this

tar -zxf MPXG2Edit.tar.gz
cd MPXG2Edit

Or, if you'd like to install from the repository

git clone mpxg2edit
cd mpxg2edit

If you have SpiderMonkey installed, you may have some some conflicting includes. Set CXXFLAGS="-I./deps/v8/src" before building to prioritize the v8 files over SpiderMonkey's.

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