Contributing - luxigo/Lexicon-MPX-G2-Editor GitHub Wiki
The only “official” MPXG2Edit repository is For code, docs, tests, or anything else, luxigo/Lexicon-MPX-G2-Editor is the repository that reflects the official state of the project. That’s where all patches have to end up if they are going to be in the release, website, or API docs. To submit a patch fork the repository and send a pull request via github to luxigo/Lexicon-MPX-G2-Editor.
- Discuss large changes on the mailing list before coding.
- Javascript code style should follow existing code conventions.
- IE does not meet standards, dont waste your time to add support for it.
- C++ code should follow Google’s C++ style guide and be run through cpplint with `make cpplint`.
- _A pull request on github is the easiest way to get code into the Lexicon MPX G2 Editor — it allows the core developers to keep a track of the changes.
- should have the author field properly filled out with your full
name and email address.
To generate patch files:
- clone the git repository
- make your change. Remember to update docs as well !
- commit your change
- Use the
git format-patch
command to generate patch files.
These are some things to consider before thinking about patching the Lexicon MPX G2 Editor core:
- Does the concept match the general goals of the MPXG2Edit ? Your patch needs to be aligned with MPXG2Edit’s core goals – to provide an editor that can be used from most smartphones and tablets.
- Is your patch cross platform? Will it work on Windows as well as Unix-like OS’s?
- Could your patch be a module?
- Is the feature broadly useful? There’s no point adding features that only you or a few people will use.
- Have you tested it?
- Have you documented it?
- Will this patch create more work for the core developers? In short, is it adding to complexity?