secs - luxembourg/muxcode-clm GitHub Wiki


FUNCTION: secs([<zonename>][, <precision>])

The optional <zonename> parameter may be "utc" or "local". If no <zonename> is given, "utc" is assumed.

local - Returns an integer which corresponds to the current local time on the machine running the MUX. This integer is affected by time zones and daylight savings time and is therefore primarily useful in conjunction with convsecs(..,utc).

utc - Returns the number of seconds (not counting leap seconds) since Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 UTC. This count of seconds is not affected by timezone or daylight savings time and is useful for calculating durations between two absolute points in time.

<precision> determines the number of fractional seconds shown. By default, no fractional seconds are shown.

Example: > say secs() You say, "957557434" ... wait a bit ... > say secs() You say, "957557447" > say secs(local,5) You say, "957532580.09348"

Related Topics: convsecs, convtime, time