mix - luxembourg/muxcode-clm GitHub Wiki
FUNCTION: mix([<object>/]<attribute>, <list 1>[, <list 2>[,<list N>]][,<delim>])
This function is similar to map(), except it takes the arguments in the lists and passes them into the attribute as %0 (for list1), %1 (for list2), up to %9 (for list10). <delim> is used as the delimiter to separate items in each of the lists. If the number of lists is 2 or less, the delimiter may be optional, otherwise you are forced to provide a delimiter. If no delimiter is specified, it defaults to a space but only for the above condition. The lists do NOT have to have the same number of elements.
Examples: > &do_math me=[add(%0,%1)] > &do_moremath me=[add(%0,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9)] > say mix(do_math,1 2 3 4 5,2 4 6 8 10) You say, "3 6 9 12 15" > say mix(do_math,1@2@3@4@5,2@4@6@8@10,@) You say, "3@6@9@12@15" > say mix(do_math,1 2 3 4 5,7 9) You say, "8 11 3 4 5" > say mix(do_moremath,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 8,9 10 11 12,) You say, "37 18 11 12"