itemize - luxembourg/muxcode-clm GitHub Wiki


FUNCTION: itemize(<list>[, <delim>[, <conj>[, <punc>]]])

This function takes a <delim>-separated <list>, and:

If there's just one element, return it. If there's two elements, return <e1> <conj> <e2> If there's more than two, return <e1><punc> <e2><punc> ... <conj> <en>

The default <conj> is "and", default <punc> is ",", and default <delim> is space.

Examples: > say [itemize(eggs)] * [itemize(eggs bacon)] You say, "eggs * eggs and bacon" > say [itemize(eggs bacon spam)] You say, "eggs, bacon, and spam" > say [itemize(eggs bacon spam, ,&,;)] You say, "eggs; bacon; & spam"