SUBSTITUTIONS - luxembourg/muxcode-clm GitHub Wiki
Pronoun-related substitutions:
%s, %S Subjective form: he, she, it, they. See: subj(%#) %o, %O Objective form: him, her, it, them. See: obj(%#) %p, %P Possessive form: his, her, its, their. See: poss(%#) %a, %A Absolute Possessive form: his, hers, its, theirs. See: aposs(%#)
Database substitutions:
%n, %N Enactor's name. See name(%#). %k, %K Enactor's moniker. See moniker(%#). %va-%vz Contents of attribute va through vz %=<attr> Equivalent to v(attr).
Execution state substitutions:
%m Text of the last command executed. %0-%9 Value of positional parameter/stack location 0 through 9. %i0-%i9 Equivalent to itext(0) through itext(9). %q0-%q9 Value of temporary (setq) register 0 through 9. %qa-%qz Value of temporary (setq) register A through Z.
{ 'help substitutions3' for more }
Execution state substitutions (continued):
%# Database number of the object that caused the message to be displayed or the action list to be run (Enactor).
%@ Database number of the object immediately calling %! (Caller). This number starts as the same as %#, but can be affected by u()-type functions, zones, and @function.
%! Database number of the object holding the message or running the action list (Executor).
%l Database number of the location of the object that caused the message to be displayed or the action list to be run.
%| A string piped from the previous command in a pipe.
Note that %va-%vz is equivalent to [get(%!/a)-[get(%!/z)], and %=<name> is equivalent to [get(%!/name)]. The substitutions forms are more efficient. Note that %=<name> supports single-letter attributes names while [v(name)] does not. For attribute names longer than one character, %=<name>, [get(%!/name)], and v(name) are equivalent.