CHANNEL OBJECT - luxembourg/muxcode-clm GitHub Wiki
In the comsystem, you may specify a channel object for each channel. (@cset/object channel=<object>). See 'help @cset' for help.
Channel objects allow you to specify a description for a channel and place certain restrictions on joining, transmitting, and receiving. If present on the channel object, the @comjoin, @comleave, @comon, and @comoff messages are evaluated and then sent to members performing the join, leave, on, and off actions, respectively.
NOTE: If a channel flag is set by @cpflags or @coflags, those will ALWAYS override the equivalent lock. The flags are set by default, so you will have to clear them before your locks work.
The join lock for a channel is a normal @lock on the channel object. The transmit lock for a channel is a use @lock on the channel object. The receive lock for a channel is an enter @lock on the channel object. The description of a channel is the @desc of the channel object.
If the channel object has @speechmod or @saystring set, those settings will override the player settings.
Related Topics: @comjoin, @comleave, @comoff, @comon, @ccreate, @create, [[]] @cset, @speechmod, @saystring.