& - luxembourg/muxcode-clm GitHub Wiki

COMMAND: &<attribute> <object>[=<value>] SYNONYM: @set <object> = <attribute>:[<value>]

Sets the attribute named <attribute> on <object> to <value>. If <attribute> is not a predefined attribute (like ofail or va), then it is created. Attributes so created are called user-named attributes. Attribute names may only contain letters, numbers, and the characters < -_.@#$^&*~?=+| >, and must start with a letter. The names of user-named attributes may not be abbreviated (an attempt to get the value of the attribute will fail, and an attempt to set will create a new attribute). The & command may be used to set predefined attributes (in this instance, '&<attr> <object>=<value>' is equivalent to '@<attr> <object>=<value>').

Related Topics: @set