@notify - luxembourg/muxcode-clm GitHub Wiki


COMMAND: @notify[/<switches>] <object>[/<attribute>][=<count>]

Notifies the semaphore <object>, running the first command that waited on <object> using the '@wait <object>=<command>' or ' @wait <object>/<time>=<command>' forms of the @wait command. If <count> is specified, it indicates the number of times the semaphore is notified. If there are no commands (or less than <count> commands) pending for <object>, then subsequent @waits will not block until the semaphore count reaches zero again. @notify may also take an argument of the form <object>/<attribute>, which notifies commands that are being blocked on an attribute other than the default 'Semaphore'. This allows blocking of multiple sets of commands on a single object, using different attributes.

The following switches are available: /first - (default) Notify the first command waiting on the indicated semaphore (or the first <count> commands). /all - Notify all commands waiting on the semaphore and reset the semaphore count to zero. <count> is ignored. /quiet - Suppress the 'Notified.' message associated with the command.

Related Topics: @drain, @ps, @wait, SEMAPHORES