Power Management - lutorm/g2 GitHub Wiki

Power management is used to keep the steppers on when you need them and turn them off when you don't.

Stepper motors consume maximum power when idle. They hold torque and get hot. If you shut off power the motor has (almost) no holding torque. Most lead screw or geared machines will hold position if you shut off the power when the motor is not moving, but belt machines generally do not.

In either case it's usually a good idea to keep all motors powered during a machining cycle to maintain absolute machine position. Depending on your machine you either may want to remove power some number of seconds after the machining cycle, or leave the motors powered on for as long as the machine is on.

You also generally want to use power management to de-power the machine if it's left unattended for an extended time. You don't want to leave the steppers on for extended idle times such as walking away from your machine and leaving it on overnight with the motors idling.

The power management commands let you set up the right set of actions for your machine and use.

Global Power Management Settings

These settings affect all motors.

Setting | Description | Notes
[{me:...}](#me-motor-enable) | Enable motors | {md:n} will enable all motors for default timeout (mt). Set value to seconds to override default timeout value
[{md:...}](#md-motor-disable) | Disable motors | {md:n} will disable all motors. Set 1-6 to disable motor N only
[{mt:...}](#mt-motor-timeout) | Set motor enable timeout | Default timeout in seconds
$pwr | Report enable states | PWR returns all motor enables states. This is like a virtual motor LED that returns 1 if motor N is enabled (LED is lit), 0 if not
$pwr1 | Report enable state | PWRn returns a single motor state
JSON mode examples:
{me:180}      Lock all motors for 3 minutes for a tooling operation 
{me:n}        Disable all motors
{mt:300}      Set timeout to 5 minutes
{pwr:n}       Query motor power state for all motors
{pwr2:n}      Query motor power state for motor 2

Text mode equivalents:

###{me:...} Motor Enable This will turn on any motor that is not disabled (i.e. {1pm:0}). Providing {me:n} will enable the motors for the timeout specified in the mt value. If a non-zero value is provided it will enable the motors for that many seconds. This is useful when attempting manual operations such as tool changes to ensure that the motors do not de-energize before the operation is complete. {md:n} can be used to disable the motors once the operation is complete.

###{md:...} Motor Disable Providing {md:n} will disable all motors that are not permanently enabled (i.e. {1pm:1}). If provided a valid motor number it will disable that motor only, excepting permanently enabled motors as well.

###{mt:...} Motor Timeout Sets the number of seconds before a motor will shut off automatically. Maximum about 4.2 million seconds, or about 7 weeks. When the timeout starts is set by the per-motor setting:

  • {1pm:0} Disabled motors are always off. They do not time out, and cannot be enabled using me
  • {1pm:1} Always-on motors are always on. They do not time out, and cannot be disabled using md
  • {1pm:2} Motors that are powered-in-cycle begin timeout at the end of the cycle, which is when the last motor stops moving. A new cycle before timeout occurs will re-enable the motors restart the timeout at the end of the cycle.
  • {1pm:3} Motors that are powered-while-moving begin timeout at the end of their movement. New movement before timeout occurs will re-enable the motors restart the timeout at the end of the movement.

Motor timeouts are suspended during feedholds - i.e. they will not time out during a feedhold. This allows changing or adjusting tools without loss of position.

##Per-Motor Settings

Setting | Description | Notes
{1:{pm:n}} | Display power mode | Returns one of the power modes below
[{1:{pm:0}}](#1pm0-motor-disabled) | Disabled | Motor will not run, and is not enabled by `{me:N}` 
[{1:{pm:1}}](#1pm1-motor-always-powered) | Always powered | Motor always powered and is not disabled by `{md:t}` 
[{1:{pm:2}}](#1pm2-motor-powered-in-cycle) | Powered in cycle | Motor is powered during machining cycle (any axis is moving) and for `{mt:N}` seconds after cycle stops
[{1:{pm:3}}](#1pm3-motor-powered-when-moving) | Powered when moving | Motor is powered when it is moving and for `{mt:N}` seconds afterwards. Motors in this state can disable themselves during cycles if timeout is less than cycle time.
JSON mode examples:
{1pm:0}  or {1:{pm:0}}
{2pm:1}  or {2:{pm:1}}
{1pm:2}  or {1:{pm:2}}
{4pm:3}  or {4:{pm:3}}

Text mode equivalents:
$1pm=0     Motor 1 disabled
$2pm=1     Motor 2 always powered
$1pm=2     Motor 1 powered during a machining cycle (any motor moving)
$4pm=3     Motor 4 only powered when it is moving

These commands affect all motors and take effect as soon as they are issued.

###{1:{pm:0}} Motor Disabled This will turn off motor power and prevent the motor from turning on. Disabling the motor will prevent that axis from participating in any move. The motor will not be affected by {me:N} or {md:t} commands. This setting takes effect immediately.

###{1:{pm:1}} Motor Always Powered This will turn on motor power and leave it on until the board is shut down. The motor will not be affected by {me:N} or {md:t} commands. You generally do not want to use this mode as it will leave the motors on for extended periods of time if you do not power down the machine. Better to set a long motor power timeout and use Powered In Cycle (2)

###{1:{pm:2}} Motor Powered In Cycle This will turn on the motor power at the start of any move on any axis (a "cycle"), and will de-energize the motors {mt:N} seconds after the cycle is complete (i.e. all motion stops). The timeout interval is set by the {mt:N} value (see Global Power Management Commands).

###{1:{pm:3}} Motor Powered When Moving This will turn on the motor power only when that axis is moving, and will remove power {mt:N} seconds after that axis stops moving.

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