Adding and Revising Boards - lutorm/g2 GitHub Wiki

This is the start page for how to add a new board or machine profile to g2core. Please read this page first, then move on to whichever following pages are relevant:

  1. Adding and Revising Boards (this page)

  2. Adding and Revising Configurations and Settings

  3. Adding and Revising Motate Pinouts

  4. Adding Configurations to an IDE

Table of Contents

Using Boards

Before we go into making a new board, we’ll cover how to use a board.

You need to know this so the other pages make sense. The makefile command line recognizes the following arguments in this hierarchy:

  • CONFIG - configuration for a specific machine

    • a "machine" means a BOARD and a SETTINGS_FILE for that machine

    • CONFIGs are located in the file where it specifies:

      • the default SETTINGS_FILE for that machine

      • the default BOARD for that machine

  • BOARD - top-most hardware and revision

    • specifies the board type and board revision, e.g. g2v9k is a v9, revision k

    • BOARDs are located in the files board/

      • Note: The board file should not contain the revision in the filename. Example board/ not board/

      • All board revisions are located in the same board_file for that board type.

    • BASE_BOARD is a sub-argument that is used internally and describes the underlying hardware platform. BASE_BOARD handles the boilerplate for configuring the compiler flags and paths for a range of devices.

      • For example, in the case of a Due or other motherboard/daughterboard the BASE_BOARD is the motherboard, and the BOARD is the daughter board (the actual shield). You should not specify the BASE_BOARD in the command line, but it can be edited in the board file.

      • For example board/ will contain definitions for BOARD=g2v9k and BOARD=g2v9l. Both of those BOARD`s specify `BASE_BOARD=g2v9, which handles the boilerplate setup for all of those boards.

        Name all BOARD and .mk files in lower case from here on.
  • SETTINGS_FILE - specifies the default settings that are applied at compile time

    • example: SETTINGS_FILE="settings_shapeoko2.h" will tell settings.h to include the file settings/settings_shapeoko2.h.

    • If SETTINGS_FILE is not specified directly on the command line or in a CONFIG, then settings_default.h is used. settings_default.h runs after the settings file, and provides a default value for every settings #define. This way the settings_xxxxx.h file does not ahve to contain every possible define. The values in the default file will compile a functional board (i.e. it will communicate), but will disable most devices.

    • Note that the CONFIG sets the SETTINGS_FILE option, overriding what is on the command line

PLATFORM has been deprecated and is no longer a make flag.

Example make lines:

# Compile for a PrintrbotPlus:
make CONFIG=PrintrbotPlus
# Looking into board/ you will see that that's roughly equivalent to:
# make BOARD=pboard-a SETTINGS_FILE="settings_printrbot_plus.h"

# Compile for a PrintrbotPlus, but using an Achim instead:
make CONFIG=PrintrbotPlus BOARD=Archim

If CONFIG is specified (BOARD is then implicitly or explicitly set) the object files will be in build/$(CONFIG)-$(BOARD)/ and the results files in bin/$(CONFIG)-$(BOARD)/.

If CONFIG is not specified (BOARD then must be explicitly set) the object files will be in build/$(BOARD)/ and the results files in bin/$(BOARD)/.

The make clean command line should have the same CONFIG and/or BUILD arguments as the make line so that the correct files are removed.

Output Files

The final output files are located in directories based on the CONFIG and BOARD parameters. The SETTINGS_FILE and other options have no bearing on output file locations.

If CONFIG is defined, then the final output is placed in g2core/build/$(CONFIG)-$(BOARD)/ and the intermediate files (.o "object files", makefile "dependency files", etc) required to build the final output files are stored in g2core/bin/$(CONFIG)-$(BOARD)/.

Command Line Compiler Parameters

Note: See Other make options below for important options to add to a make command line stored in a GUI such as Xcode or Atmel Studio.

The BOARD setting is required, however a default value is provided if you provide a CONFIG value.

The make command line should specify a CONFIG, which provides at least a default BOARD and a default SETTINGS_FILE. Even if CONFIG is specified you can override the default BOARD and SETTINGS_FILE.

All of these are case sensitive. Example:

  • For a Shapeoko dual-Y-motor configuration using a g2v9k call make with CONFIG=ShapeokoDualY:

make CONFIG=ShapeokoDualY
  • For a Shapeoko dual-Y-motor configuration using a custom board called CustomBoard:

make CONFIG=ShapeokoDualY BOARD=CustomBoard

Invoking the Debugger (typical for OS X or Linux)

  1. To enter the debugger, add debug

make BOARD=gShield debug
# Or, to use the python-enabled gdb
make BOARD=gShield debuggy

Cleaning Up

To save time the makefile will only compile the files needed when something changes. Sometimes you need to clean out all the old compiled intermediate files. There are two ways to do this:

  1. The nice way: Add clean to the end of your command line (replacing debug or debuggy if it was there).

    make …​ clean must have the same BOARD/CONFIG options as the make did in order to locate the files. See Output Files for more explanation as to how it finds those files. SETTINGS_FILE can be omitted from the clean line.
  2. The not so nice way:🔨 Delete the directories g2core/bin and g2core/build from your repo.

    Make sure you don’t accidentally throw away board!
    • This removes all of the build files and intermediates for all configurations.

Other make options

There are a few other command line make options to be aware of:

  • VERBOSE - set this to 0 (for "quiet," which is the default), 1 (to show commands executed in full), or 2 (the same as 1 plus additional Makefile debug reporting).

    For all make command lines stored in GUIs (Atmel Studio, Xcode), you should use VERBOSE=1
  • COLOR - set this to 1 (the default) or 0 (to not use terminal escape sequences to make the voluminous output more readable)

    For all make command lines stored in GUIs (Atmel Studio, Xcode), you should use COLOR=0
  • OPTIMIZATION - set this to the -O value for gcc. Generally we use OPTIMIZATION=3 as the default, but may use OPTIMIZATION=s if we want to save flash space.

    This should NOT be hard coded into a GUI make command unless it’s deemed necessary — use the default.

    Generally, if you set it to below 2 the code will be huge and cannot fit on any of the target processors.

    Said again, more directly: this cannot be set to 0 or the code will not fit on the processor. We rely on the optimizer to make the code perform reasonably and be a reasonable size. This has a minor negative impact on debugging, but it’s manageable.

Making a New BOARD

Makefile Hierarchy

Compilation is managed by this makefile hierarchy:

  • ./g2core/Makefile Main project makefile invokes:

    • ./Motate/ invokes and kicks off the Board makefiles:

      • ./g2core/board/ is the makefile for a specific board, and may also include a baseboard makefile

New Board

In the g2core project structure (covered here) there is a file and several files and directories under board/ for each board type.

  • - This file is what is included by the Motate Makefile. It’s contents are primarily handling CONFIGs. At the end it has this important line:

    # Note: STAR=* -- a workaround for a Makefile glitch.
    include $(wildcard ./board/$(STAR).mk)
    • This line imports (in relatively random order) any file that ends with .mk that’s directly inside the board/ directory.

  • board/*.mk - Each .mk file inside board/ has the opportunity to define what happens when a BOARD has a specific value. We’ll cover how to do that shortly.

  • board/*.gdb - This is the GDB startup file for each board.

    • It is located from inside Motate as "${BOARD_PATH}.gdb".

Defining a BOARD

Each BOARD sets a few important values:

  • BASE_BOARD - This is used later to know which settings to use for a range of boards. We show how to create that next.

    Even if you only have one board revision, it’s still good practice to break BASE_BOAD and BOARD out so you can revise later.
  • DEVICE_DEFINES - This is where you pass defines directly into the code (as if they were #defined).

    You want to make sure you use += to add to DEVICE_DEFINES, not just = or =:. There are other places to add to DEVICE_DEFINES as well, and some are called before is.
    • You need to define at least two values: MOTATE_BOARD and SETTINGS_FILE

      • MOTATE_BOARD (in DEVICE_DEFINES) - This is used in locating the pinout file, in the form of ${MOTATE_BOARD}-pinout.h. This is generally equal to BOARD, but may be different.

        On case sensitive operating systems, such as linux, ${MOTATE_BOARD}-pinout.h must match the pinout file name exactly. On OS X, which is usually not case sensitive, this will match with different case. Please be sure to check the case of this and the file. Better yet, just always use lowercase for both.
      • SETTINGS_FILE (in DEVICE_DEFINES) - this is usually just passed through:


A complete BOARD definition example

ifeq ("$(BOARD)","g2v9k")
  • We broke the rule about MOTATE_BOARD not being the same as BOARD. So we have to ensure the pinout file is called exactly G2v9k-pinout.h.

  • We check for BOARD to exactly match "g2v9k".

  • We pass the SETTINGS_FILE value (in make-land) to the DEVICE_DEFINES so that the code can see it.

Defining a BASE_BOARD

Each BASE_BOARD sets a few important values:

  • _BOARD_FOUND - Just set it to 1: _BOARD_FOUND = 1 - this tells the calling Makefile that the board is configured.

  • FIRST_LINK_SOURCES - Without spending too much time talking about linking order and such — and that is important, this value tells the compiler which files to link first, and it is in order.

    Make sure to only add to this value with +=! Normally main.cpp will already be on that list and will be first.
    Use one of the other .mk files as an example. Generally this only refers to files in Motate, and will be the same for all processors of the same type.
  • CHIP - This sets the main processor used by the board. This must be supported by Motate.

    CHIP must be made available to the shell environment after it’s set with an export CHIP.
    Again, use one of the other .mk files as an example. If Motate supports it there’s likely already another board with the CHIP you are using.
  • CHIP_LOWERCASE - This is the same as CHIP but lowercase. This is used by Motate to locate some vendor files. CHIP_LOWERCASE does not need to be exported.

  • BOARD_PATH - This setting sets where the project will locate the gdb file (as "${BOARD_PATH}.gdb"), and is used to find files such as hardware.h when this board is being used.

    The BOARD_PATH will not be added to the include search path until it is added to SOURCE_DIRS!
    Often BOARD_PATH is equivalent to ./board/${BASE_BOARD} — but it doesn’t have to be.
  • SOURCE_DIRS - This setting tells Motate where to find files to compile (.c, .cpp, and *.s will be compiled and linked in), as well as where to search for included header files.

    Make sure to only add to this value with +=! This is used to generate the list of all files to be compiled, and there are several other places that add to this list.
    This is the place where you add the directories of devices under the device/ directory to be included in the compile.
  • PLATFORM_BASE - The PLATFORM_BASE value is the path (without the .mk) to the platform definition file provided by Motate to configure compilation for this processor.

    The last line of the BASE_BOARD definition must be:

    include $(PLATFORM_BASE).mk

A complete BASE_BOARD definition example

ifeq ("$(BASE_BOARD)","g2v9")
    _BOARD_FOUND = 1

    FIRST_LINK_SOURCES += $(sort $(wildcard ${MOTATE_PATH}/Atmel_sam_common/*.cpp)) $(sort $(wildcard ${MOTATE_PATH}/Atmel_sam3x/*.cpp))

    # Set CHIP and export it for GDB to see
    CHIP = SAM3X8C
    export CHIP
    CHIP_LOWERCASE = sam3x8c

    BOARD_PATH = ./board/g2v9
    SOURCE_DIRS += ${BOARD_PATH} device/step_dir_driver

    PLATFORM_BASE = ${MOTATE_PATH}/platform/atmel_sam

    include $(PLATFORM_BASE).mk
  • The FIRST_LINK_SOURCES use $(wildcard …​) to get the files. These are wrapped in $(sort …​) since some platforms sort files differently. This makes the order of them more predictable, which is important for linking.

  • We use device/step_dir_driver so it’s added to SOURCE_DIRS after ${BOARD_PATH}.

  • We let Motate configure the rest of the compile with include $(PLATFORM_BASE).mk at the end.

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