Get discord bot - lushdog/discord-qbit GitHub Wiki

Get discord bot

Thanks to requestrr for the tutorial

#1 Go to the Discord Developer Portal, once you've logged in, create an application:


#2 Now copy the client Id found here(for step 7):


#3 Now go back in the developer portal and create a bot for the application:


Enable the following two presence intent settings


#4 Now copy the bot token


#5 Then paste it in config.json here:

"clientToken": "your bot token"

#6 Now create a new Discord server that you'll invite the bot to, go on Discord and then do this


#7 Now authorize bot

Open Simply replace YOURCLIENTID by the client id we made earlier. Make sure to give the bot the following permissions:

Read Messages
Embed Links
Read Message History
Use External Emojis
Send Messages
Manage Messages
Mention @everyone
Add Reactions

#8 You'll end up here, simply choose the discord server you created earlier to invite the bot into it:


#9 Now that the bot has joined your server, it's time to test the bot.