API列表 - luqiuyuan/reactjs_course_2019_summer GitHub Wiki

Resource(s) VERB PATH DESC
users GET /users show multiple users
GET /users/:id show an user
POST /users create an user
user GET /user get the logged-in user
PATCH/PUT /user update the logged-in user
DELETE /user destroy the logged-in user
user_tokens POST /user_tokens login
user_token DELETE /user_token logout
questions GET /questions show multiple questions
GET /questions/:id show a question
POST /questions create a question
PATCH/PUT /questions/:id update a question
DELETE /questions/:id destroy a question
answers GET /questions/:question_id/answers show multiple answers of a question
GET /answers/:id get an answer
POST /questions/:question_id/answers create an answer of a question
PATCH/PUT /answers/:id update an answer
DELETE /answers/:id destroy an answer
like POST /questions/:question_id/like like a question
DELETE /questions/:question_id/like unlike a question
POST /answers/:answer_id/like like an answer
DELETE /answers/:answer_id/like unlike an answer