Scenarios - luney-sp-76/SaveThePlanetSE1 GitHub Wiki
This Page: Scenarios
In This Section:
[4. Uses Cases](Use Cases)
[4i. Actors](Use Cases/Actors)
1. Requirements
2. Game and Board Design
3. Coding Standards
[5. Sequence Diagrams](Sequence Diagrams)
[6. UML Class Diagram](UML Class Diagram)
[8. Training + Useful Resources](Training + Useful Resources)
9. Our Kanban Board
Scenarios(Concrete examples of how the system will be used)
The following Q&A was undertaken to replicate a business requirements analysis that would identify scenarios that would lead to our use case descriptions.
- Start A New Game
Q. How does the game start?
A.Player selects starts
Q. Does the system prompt to start?
Q. How many players is the minimum?
Q. Is there a Maximum Number of players?
A.4 or max of 4 teams
Q. Do the players use their real names?
A.No - first names only, unique names with min of 2 and max of 30
Q. How do players enter their names?
A.Prompted at start before game begins
Q.Does the system use the players names?
Q. What happens if two players enter the same name?
A.System will say name taken, need to reenter
Can a new game be paused?
A.Investigate - save state
Q. Does The game wait for players to start
Q. Does the game timeout if not enough players are available
A.If leave on start screen will timeout - couple of minutes before quitting
Q. Can we select the number of players?
A.Yes between 2 and 4
Q. Is there a Non Playable Character
A.No - 2 and 4 players
Q. Is there a 'banker' or intermediary system to manage play fairness
A.Yes - system for stats
- Save A Game
Q. How/Where is the game saved?
A.Serialisation - investigate
Q.How can a player chose to restart a saved game
A.Start game -System prompts user "Do you want to play a new Game? or Do you want to Play a Saved Game?, Press 'N' for new or 'S' for saved"
A Player can choose to save a game
Q. If a player restarts a saved game do all the players from that game have to be present?
A.System will not know - so player can play as all 4 people if they want
Q. How long is a game saved for?
A. 30 days or player delete/3 slots to save into
- Take A Turn
Q. When does a turn end?
A.Players can either sit on a square and do nothing, spend points or choose to transact with another player. 3 options and can choose one.
Q. How many steps are in a turn?
A.See above
Q. Required actions: make one change (purchase or development), roll dice and move
A. See above
- Roll The Dice
Q. How long does a dice roll take?
A.Takes a few seconds = two dice.
Q. How does a dice roll result appear?
A.Dice roll 1 + Dice Roll 2 = numbers
A.Show total
A.Assuming that every time it is a player's turn they have to roll a dice. They cannot skip a turn or otherwise refuse to roll
- Make A Change To The Board
Q. What changes can occur?
A.Custodianship of a square + Development of a square
A. Community chest/random card - good card/bad card
Q. How do players ‘see’ what position they are on the board?
A.Text based - landed on a square (This belongs to + area + tech develop
Q. How do players know if they have landed on a specific square after moving?
A. The System will prompt the player with information about the square including options to buy, develop or pay some resources to another player. Any payment owed is taken automatically. Any options to buy are passed on to all the players if the first player does not want to buy or invest
Q. What options appear when a player lands on a square?
A. See above
Q. How do players choose an action to take or an option when they land on a square?
A. Text prompt - with available options
Q. If a player has custodianship of a square how is that flagged?
A. Flagged when player lands . Overalll view of everything player own/specific area
Player needs to specify square to develop in that are also player needs to own the whole Field to develop
Q. If a players now has a majority holding of an environmental technology by taking custodianship of a square how is that signalled?
A. Add in titles for most owned e.g Queen of Recycling
Chart or table that shows percentage of owned.
Need to think about areas e.g landfills vs recyling plants. Carbon footprint?
Q. Do players who land on an owned square have options and how are they signalled?
A.** Land on same area to develop.
A. If land on square owned by another player need to give points/money.**
Q. What happens when a player passes "Go"?
A.200 points or something similar - something of value
Q. How does a player purchase a property?
A.**Need to land on it and have enough points. If do not want/afford offered to another player.*
Q. Can another player buy a property if the original player decides not to?
A. Yes
Q. What happens if a player doesn't have enough points to "pay"?
A. They can't have it. Offered to someone who has most points/already owns a square of that type etc. If player cannot sell any resources, no points will be removed from game.
Q. How does a player buy a property?
A.Using point only. Can use resources to buy a square.
Q. How does a player develop their property?
A.Need to be in area and own WHOLE FIELD.
- End Game
Q. Is there a points limit game?
A.No limit or when others are at zero.Depends on if game mode is being used.
Q. Is there a monopoly end point where the board is completely owned?
A. If everything is purchase and developed then games ends.
Q. Is there a last player standing end - or does the game end when someone loses all points?
A. Last player standing who own all resources or if eveything else quits then game ends.
Game will continue until majority owner.
Q. Can players throw in the towel? If so how?
A. Yes - can choose to quit and confirm.
Q. Can players team up?
A.** Depends on game mode.**
Q. If there is a team option will points be allocated to a group or an individual
A.Team points to whole team
Q. Can there be a league where points for wins add up over multiple games
A.**No **
- Stats
Q. What stats are displayed?
A.Player name + number of resources owned + number of developments
At start of each go show stats for all players , press key at start of each go if need to see
Q. Are the stats constantly visible?
A.If everyone makes it round board once then all stats shown. Scoreboard/ranking system Shown unowned.
Stats not constantly visible.
Q. Do we need to show what properties are owned, and in what state of development?
A.Tied into overall points. Will depend on if they own whole field. e.g player 1 owns all recycling field and 1 development.
1. Requirements
2. Game and Board Design
3. Coding Standards
[4. Uses Cases](Use Cases)
[4i. Actors](Use Cases/Actors)
[5. Sequence Diagrams](Sequence Diagrams)
[6. UML Class Diagram](UML Class Diagram)
[8. Training + Useful Resources](Training + Useful Resources)
9. Our Kanban Board