HeRAMS User Guide - luna404/HeRAMS-UserManual GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the HeRAMS User Guide. This user guide was designed for users of the HeRAMS platform and aims to provide users with a brief overview of key components of the platform. In addition, step-by-step instruction for common tasks intend to facilitate navigating the platform It should be noted that the guide solely address issues related to the HERAMS paltfrom. For gerneral information on the HeRAMS approach and for technical guidance please consult the WHO HeRAMS webpage.
The first two chapters of this user guide are intended for all users and provide step-by-step instructions on how to access the HeRAMS platform as well as a brief overview on the Project dashboards. Chapter 3 is intended for data editor and covers covers essential steps on how to access, edit and download data. Chapter 4 offers additional guidance for country administrators and provides detailed information related to user management, access permissions, and the configuration of the project specific interactive dashboards. For additional questions, please contact the HeRAMS Support Team
4. Project Administration
- Workspaces
- Workspace Permissions
- Add a User to a Workspace
- Remove a User from a workspace
- Alter a user's Permission to a Workspace
- Create a New Workspace
- Delete a Workspaces
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions on how to access the HeRAMS platform, create a user account and update your user profile.
New users without an existing account, will have to register before being able to login to the HeRAMS paltfrom. To create a user account in, follow the instruction here
- To access the HeRAMS platform, open the link https://herams.org in your browser of choice.
It is recommended to either user FireFox or Chrome.
- A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to enter your username (email) and password.
- Enter your email address and password in the designated fields and click the
- Click the
button to login.
To logout, click the button in the top right corner of your screen.
In case you forgot your password, the instruction below will guide through the steps to reset your password.
- To reset your password, open the link https://herams.org in your browser.
- On the sign in page, click the Reset password on the login page as shown below.
- Enter your email address in the top field.
- Below the email field, you should see a Captcha image similar to the one displayed here
. Enter the the characters displayed into the field below.
- Click the
- An automated email will with a link to reset your password will be sent to your email address.
If you did not receive this email, please check your spam or bulck email folder.
- Open the link and enter your new password.
- Click the
button to confirm your new password.
- To login into HeRAMS, return to the sign in page.
Each user has a profile associated with their account. This permits you do to customize your profile, change your email address or password without requiring additional support.
- To register as a new user, open the link https://herams.org in your browser.
- On the sign-in page, click the sign-up link located just above the
- On the page that opens, enter your name, email and password.
Please note that your email acts as username.
- Submit your information by clicking the
- A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you use to register with.
If you haven't received a confirmation email, make sure to check your spam folder.
- Confirm your registration by clicking on the link in your email.
- To update your user profile or account details, click your username shown on the top right corner of the page.
- This opens your user profile and allows you to change your personal information such as your name, organization and contact details.
Please note that first name, last name and organization are mandatory fields.
- To alter your password, open your user profile as explained above.
- Click the account link to access your account information.
- In the page opening, you should be able to change your email address and enter a new password.
- Make sure to click the
button to confirm your changes.
You can further personalize your account by adding a profile picture. In order for your profile picture to appear, you will have to register your email address at Gravatar.
For more information on Gravatar, click here.
- Open your user profile by clicking your name displayed in the upper right corner of your screen.
- Click the Gravatar link shown in the image below.
- You will be prompted to login to your Worldpress account. If you don't already have a Worldpress account, follow the instructions to create a new account.
- Once logged in, open the Manage Gravatars tab and upload your image.
- In the My Gravatars tab you should now be able to assign the image to the email address used to register on the HeRAMS platform.
It might take a few minutes before your gravatar appears on your HeRAMS profile.
Upon login in, you should see a world map with several blue dots. Each of these dots represents a HeRAMS project. You can also see the list of all available projects in the navigation pane on the left. In addition, a brief summary on the number of projects available in HeRAMS, the total number of contributors and health facilities is shown in the bottom left corner.
- To learn more about a project, either click the blue dot on the world map or select the project from the navigation pane on the left.
- You should now see a pop-up window displaying an overview of the selected project. In the upper part of the pop-up you can see the project name, the number of health facilities assessed as well as the number of contributors, The lower half of the pop-up window displays a brief summary on the distribution of health facility types, their functionality and service availability.
- For further details, click the
button. This will open the project dashboard.
Access to project dashboard is restricted to selected users. Should you require acccess to a project, pelase contact your system
administrator or send an email to [hearmas.who.int] explaining why you require access the project.
Each project in HeRAMS has a custom, interactive dashboard providing indepth information on a project.
- To view a project dashboard, open the project summary by selecting your project form the navigation pane on the left. Alternatively, you can open the project summary by clicking the corresponding blue dot on the world map.
- In the pop-up window, click the
button. This will open the project dashboard.
- You should now see a page similar to the one shown below. In the navigation pane on the left you will find a list of all available pages.
- To open a page, click the page name in the navigation pane.
Some pages may contain a sub-page, indicated by a
icon next to the page's name.
- To return to a previous page, you can either select the page in the navigation pane on the left or use the breadcrumb trail on top of the dashboard. For example, the image below displays a sub-page of the Nigeria dashboard. To return to the first page of the dashboard, click on Nigeria in the navigation pane.
This section provides a few tips and tricks on how to customize the dashboard.
- Mouse-over messages: If you hover with your mouse over a point on the map or the chart, you will see a small pop-up message appearing displaying further details.
- Adjust the map zoom level and focus area: You can adjust the zoom level of the maps using the scroll button on your mouse. In addition, you can change the focus area of the map. Make sure your mouse is in the map element. Right click (hold) and drag the map in the desired direction. This will move the map focus area.
- Remove items for charts or maps: By clicking the icons in the legend, you can remove a category from a chart or map. To add it again, simply click the circle again.
- Reorder map elements: If the map is zoomed out, it might happen that several points lie on top of each other. Thus, hidding some facilities. As a result, categories with only few facilities might be hidden. To bring a specific category to the front, uncheck the category in the legend. This will remove the category from the map. If you add the category back (click the now empty circle), the category will be added on top of the other points.
Apply filters: You can further customize the dashboard and explore the data by applying filters.
- In the top right corner of the dashboard, click the
- You should now see the filter configuration page. Use the drop-down list to select your filter criteria. Repeat this process until you have added all the desired filter criteria.
If you apply multiple search criteria, only results that contain all terms will be shown.
- In the top right corner of the dashboard, click the
You can limit the number of fields displayed using the search filed on top of the page.
- Click the
button to activate your filter.
- To remove the filters, return to the Filter pages and click the
The below section provides an overview of the standard pages available in a dashboard. Each page refers to a HeRAMS standard information pillar.
Please note that the order and the content of dashboards is customized based on the needs for individual projects. Your dashboard might therefore by substantially different from the example pages displayed below.
Page 1: Overview
The Overview page provides a summary, in form of:
- A map to spot the distribution and number of health facilities by level of care (i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary health care facilities); and
- Doughnut charts to summarize different indicators, such as level of damage, functionality status, accessibility and service availability in the assessed health facility.
Note that service availability is country specific. Thus, direct comparisons form one country to another should be avoided.
Page 2: Infrastructure
The Infrastructure page, displays a descriptive analysis, including:
- a map to spot the distribution and number of health facilities by type;
- doughnut charts to illustrate Modes of Service Delivery (MoSDs) by type as well as the modality of the building structure (permanent vs. temporary); and
- a table to illustrate reported accessibility barriers.
Page 3: Condition
The Condition page displays the level of reported damage to MoDS buildings following a standard classification and scale (Not Damaged to Fully Damaged). Information is visualized as:
- a map to spot the distribution and number of health facilities according to the level of building damage (i.e. condition);
- doughnut charts summarizing the reported level of building damage by level of severity as well as the distribution of MoDS by type; and
- a table to provide the name of the prioritized localities in terms of damage and their main causes.
Page 4: Functionality
The Functionality page displays the level of functionality of the MoSDs following a standard classification and scale (Fully Functioning to Not Functioning) represented as:
- a map to spot the distribution and number of MoSDs according to the functionality status;
- doughnut charts to summarize the level of functionality as well as main causes of non-functionality; and
- a table displays the list of priority areas in terms of non-functional health facilities and reported causes.
Page 5: Accessibility
The Accessibility page displays the level of accessibility to MoSDs following a standard classification and scale (Fully Accessible to Not Accessible) in the form of:
- a map to spot the distribution and number of MoSDs according to the accessibility status;
- doughnut charts to summarize the level of accessibility per number of MoSDs as well as the reported causes of inaccessibility per number of MoSDs; and
- a table displays the list of priority areas with inaccessible MoSDs and the main reported cause of inaccessibility.
Page 6: Management & Support
The Management & support page displays information on the management of the MoSDs and the level of support provided by partners. The information is illustrated in terms of:
- Ownership:
- A map to spot the distribution of MoSDs according to their ownership (i.e. public, private, faith-based and, NGO/iNGO).
- A doughnut chart to highlighting the categories of ownership as a percentage of the total number of MoSDs.
- External support:
- A doughnut chart to illustrate the level of support provided by partners.
Page 7: Basic Amenities
The Basic Amenities page presents a series of doughnut charts displaying information of core areas such as:
- the principle source of water and power; and
- the percentage of MoDS with sufficient water and power supplies
Page 8: Service Availability
The Service Availability page displays multiple pages per type of service. Each page displays:
- a map to spot the distribution of the MoSDs providing the selected health service;
- doughnut charts to summarize the level of service availability as well as the underlying causes of unavailability of the service; and
- a table displays the list of priority areas per service unavailability and the main reported underlying cause.
This chapter is itended primarily for data managers responsible to update the HeRAMS data. It covers all aspects related to manipulating data in HeRAMS as well as how to donwload data for additional analysis in external application (e.g. Excel).
Please not that access to the data edit interface is limited to users responsible to update the data.
Should your role require you to edit or view individual records, contact your system administrator to adjust your access permissions accordingly.
- Open the admin interfaceby clicking the
button on the top right corner of the page (next to your user name).
- From the navigation pane on the left, select Projects.
- You should now see a table of all available projects. For each project, the table displays the number Workspaces, Contributors, Health facilities and Responses.
The number of responses can be higher than the total number of health facilities. This indicates that a health facility was assessed multiple times over a specific time frame.
- In the rightmost column, click the
icon. This will open the list of available workspace.
HeRAMS uses so called Workspaces to manage access permission to the underlying data and enable a granular access control.
A workspace might for example constitute a specific organization or a geographic region. For more information on Workspaces click here.
- To view the health facilities that are part of a specific workspace, click the
icon in the Action column.
Be aware that a workspace might have multiple pages. Use the
to move to the next page or filter the workspaces by typing the workspace name in the field below the header row.
- You should now see a table with all the health facilities of the selected workspace.
The following section provides a step-by-step guide on how to create, edit and delete health facilities.
For technical information related to specific questions please contact your country administrator.
Please note that editing a record will override the existing record. If you would like to update the status of a health facility while keeping the history of changes, follow the instructions in the section below.
- To edit a record, click the
icon in the left most column.
Be aware that the table might have multiple pages. Use the button in the bottom left corner to advance to the next page. You can also reduce the number of records displayed by applying filters.
- You should now be able to edit the selected record. Use the
buttons in the lower right corner to move to the next page of the questionnaire or return to the previous page. You can also use the navigation pane on the left to access a specific section of the questionnaire.
- To save your changes, navigate to the last page, Validate, and click the
- If you would like to discard your edits, click the
button in the lower right corner of the page.
If HeRAMS is used as a monitoring tool, you can update health facility while keeping the existing information.
Please note that the ability to update records is not enabled in all projects. Contact your system administrator for further information.
- To update the status of a Health Facility, use the
button to open the record.
- Use the two button on the bottom right side to move to the next page of the questionnaire or return to the previous page. You can also use the navigation pane on the left to access a specific section of the questionnaire.
- To save your changes, open the last page (Validate) and click
- If you would like to discard your edits, click the
- To create a new record, click the button
- Use the two button on the bottom right side to move to the next page of the questionnaire or return to the previous page. You can also use the navigation pane on the left to access a specific section of the questionnaire.
- To save your changes, navigate to the last page Validate and click
- If you would like to discard your edits, click the
- To delete a record, click the
icon in the first column.
Deleting records cannot be undone. Be careful when deleting a record.
It is possible to download part of the data as CSV for further analysis in-depth analysis. In rare cases, permission have been granted to download the entire data set. To download the entire data set please follow the instructions here, otherwise see the section below.
Follow the instructions below to download data for a single workspaces. If you require data from multiple workspace, follow the below steps for each workspace. You can then merge the data in your analysis tool of choice.
In order to download data, you will require access to the corresponding workspace. Contact your system administrator to elevate your access rights if needed.
- Navigate to the workspace page of your project (see Access the Data Update Interface steps 1 - 4 for detailed instructions).
- In the rightmost column, click the
button. This will download all records of this workspace.
For surveys in laguages other than English, make sure to correctly define the encoding when opening the data in Excel (see Data Encoding in Excel.
Coming soon
Users are advised to download data for individual workspace as outlined above. The ability to download the entire data set is restricted to few users. Contact your system administrator for further information.
When you open your data in Excel, it is important to select the correct (UTF-8) encoding.
Using the wrong encoding can result in unreadable text. For examples instead of camp de réfugiés you get *Camp de réfugiés*.
- Open a new Excel file.
- On the Data tab in the Get & Transform Data group, click From Text/CSV.
- In the Import Data dialog box, locate and double-click the text file that you want to import, and click Import.
- In the top left corner of the pop-up window that opens, change the encoding type to UTF-8, and click Import.
This chapter aims to provide an overview of the admin pages in HeRAMS and provides step-by-step instruction for common tasks performed by advanced users and country administrators. The first part of the chapter introduces the concept of Workspaces while the second part focuses on Project level administration as well as the configuration of project specific Dashboards.
Access to each of the sub-sections of this chapter are depending on the tasks a user is expected to complete. If you require your permissions to be changed, please contact your system administrator.
HeRAMS uses the concept of workspaces to manage user permissions. Each workspace consists of several health facilities and has a dedicated focal point responsible for updating these records. A workspace might for example include all health facilities of a geographical region, health facilities managed by a specific partner or any other logical categories. Thus, the use of workspaces in combination with different levels of permission (see below) assures granular, role-based access control to a project and the underlying data. While most users only have access to a single workspace, country administrators might have access to several or all workspaces.
Data Refresh: This button allows users to manually refresh the data cache of a workspace. Data is automatically refreshed every 30 minutes. This means if a record is updated, the changes are not immediately reflected on the dashboard. Thus, by manually refreshing the data cash of a workspace the time lack limitation can be overcome and the changes made will be visible immediately.
Update Workspace: allows to change the title or token of a workspace.
Share Workspace: To grant a user access to workspace, the workspace must be shared with the user. For more information on how to add users to a workspace click here.
Delete Workspace See Delete Workspaces for further information
Download Data: Downloads all data associated with the workspace. See data download for more information.
Data Update: This opens the data edit interface. More information on data editing and updating is available in the previous chapter.
The number of buttons visible to you depends on your access rights and might vary from one workspace to another.
There are two permission levels for workspaces.
- Manage the underlying response data.
- Full access, includes editing the workspace properties, token and response data.
Users with the role of Data Editor have access to update the response data (option 1) while Workspace Owners might be given elevated permission (option 2) allowing them to add additional users to their workspace and to manage the underlying response data
- To grant a user access to a workspace, open the admin interface by clicking the
icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- In the navigation pane on the left, click Projects to open the Projects table (see Projects for more information).
- In the rightmost column of the table, you should see several Action buttons. Click the
icon. This will open the workspace of the selected project.
- You should now see a table with all workspaces of your project. For each workspace the table provides information on the last time data was synced with the underlying database, the number of contributors, health facilities and responses. Alike the Projects table, the last column contains several Action buttons.
- To grant a user access to a workspace (e.g. to update the data), you have to share the workspace with them. Click the
icon in the Actions column.
- You should now see something similar to the image below. On the bottom half of the screen you can see a list of all users currently having access to this workspace and their permission level.
- In the top half the page you have the option to add a user. Start typing the users name in the top field. You will notice that the list of users is dynamically filtering. Select the user you would like to add.
You can add multiple users add once as shown in the image above.
If you cannot find a users, it means the user has not create an account. Ask the user to greate an account by registering on the HeRAMS platform and then retry. Should the issue persist, contact your system administrator.
- Use the checkboxes to select the appropriate permission level. See the previous section for further details on Workspace Permissions.
- Click the
button to share the workspace with the selected user(s).
- To remove a user from a workspace, navigate to the workspace from which you would like to remove a user. Follow steps 1 - 6 outlined above to access the workspace.
- On the second half of the screen you should now see a list of all users having access to the workspace. Click the
icon to remove the user permanently.
- To change a user's permission, remove the user from the workspace as outlined above.
- Now add the user again using the new permission level (see section Add a User to a Workspace for details).
- To create a new workspace, access the workspace page of your project (Follow steps 1 - 6 in the Add a User to a Workspace section).
- In the upper left corner, you should see a button labelled
- On the page that opens, you should now be able to create a new workspace.
- Enter the workspace's name into the title field.
- Use the dropdown list to select the corresponding Token or create a new token by selecting Create new token.
Tokens are unique identifiers that link health facilities to workspaces. To add a health facility to a workspace the token of the record in question has to be manually changed. Contact your system administrator for guidance on how to change a record's token.
- You can remove a workspace by clicking the
icon in the Actions column next to the selected workspace.
Deleting workspace will not affect the underlying data. See the previous chapter to learn how to permanently remove health facilities from your project.
The Projects page provides a brief overview of all projects available on the HeRAMS platform.
For each project the number of workspaces, contributors, health facilities, and responses is displayed. Alike the table of workspaces, the last column contains a series of action buttons.
Workspaces: For more information on workspaces click here.
Dashboard: By clicking the dashboard icon, the project dashboard will be opened.
Edit: Permits users with appropriate permission to alter the project settings as well as to configure the project dashboard.
Check Data: Can be used for a quick review of the data to identify invalid responses.
Share: The sharing function is used to grant users access to a project. See below for further details.
The number of buttons visible to you depends on your access rights to a specific project is likely to vary from one project to another.
There are three permission levels which can be used to grant a user access to a project.
- Allow access to the project dashboard from the world map
- Allows full access to all workspaces in this project as well as creating new ones or deleting existing ones
- Allow everything
- To grant a user access to a specific project, open the admin interface by clicking the
button in the top right corner of the screen.
- In the navigation pane on the left, click Projects to display the list of all available projects.
- In the rightmost column of the table, you should see several action buttons. Click the
- You should now see something similar to the image below. On the bottom half of the screen you can see a list of all users currently having access to this workspace and their permission level.
You can add multiple users add once as shown in the image above.
- Use the checkboxes to assign appropriate permission rights. See Project Permissions for further information on the different permission levels.
- Click the
button to share the project with the selected users.
- To remove a user from a Project, follow steps 1-4 outlined in the previous section to access the project from which you would like to remove a user.
- On the second half of the page you should now see a list of all users having access to the workspace. Click the
icon to remove the user permanently.
- To change a user's permission, remove the user from the project as outlined above.
- Now add the user again using the new permission level (see section Add a User to a Project for details).
- To update the general settings of a project, open the admin interface by clicking the
button in the top right corner of the page.
- Open the Projects page by selecting Projects in the navigation pane on the left.
- Click the
icon in the Actions column of your project. This will open the general settings page.
- You should now see a page similar to the one displayed below, which permits you
- to update the project title;
- to alter the survey linked to this project;
- to change the centroids (latitude and longitude) of the blue dot shown on the world map;
- to update the status of the project;
- to configure the pop-up information displayed on the main page; and
- to configure the project dashboard. Additional information on how to configure the project dashboard is available here.
- Make sure you save your changes by clicking the
For each HeRAMS Project, an interactive dashboard can be configured providing summarizing key indicators and findings of a project. This section provides project administrators with detailed description on how to edit these dashboards. An overview of the standard dashboard pages is available in Chapter 2.
Users with the permissions to edit dashboards can modify charts and maps directly from within the dashboard.
To modify the order of dashboard pages or rename a page, click here.
- Open the dashboard and navigate to the element you would like to change.
- In the top right corner of the element you should see a
icon. Right click the icon to open the element's configuration page.
- You should now be able
- change the variable displayed
- to change the colors of a map or a chart; and
- to rename the element.
See the section below for further details on how to create an modify dashboard elements.
- Save your changes by clicking the
This section covers the steps required to add a new element to an existing dashboard page. If you would like to extend your dashboard by adding additional pages, please see the section below on how to add a page to a dashboard.
- Follow the instructions outlined here to open the Project Settings page.
- In the bottom half of the page you should see a list of all available dashboard pages. For each page, the table displays the title, parent sort id.
- Open the page you would like to modify using the
icon next to the page's name.
- In the bottom half of the page, you should see three buttons
- Select which type of element you would like to add by clicking the corresponding button.
- You should now see a page similar to the one displayed below.
- The Transpose feature allows to switch between aggregating data at the health facility and the health service level. Set the feature to No to display data aggregated at the health facility level.
- Now use the Code dropdown list to select which field you would like to display on your element.
Transposing the element or changing the question code or will reload the page making you lose all other unsaved edits.
For charts with large legend elements, it is recommended to use a **Width** of 2 to assure the legend is displayed correctly.
- Optionally, the Title field allows you to overwrite the default title.
- For Maps & Charts, The bottom half of the page, displays the list of pre-defined answer options of the selected question. Click the color next to the category name. This will opens a color picker allowing you pick custom colors.
- For Maps, you can further specify the size of the dots by increasing/decreasing the Marker Radius.
- For tables, two additional fileds will be displayed to specify the Reason Code and Group Code.
- Finally, click the
button to add create the element.
- Follow the instructions outlined here to open the Poject Settings page.
- In the lower half of teh page, click the
icon to open the dashboard page you would like to modify.
- Scroll down until you see the list of elements (charts, maps and tables).
- Use the
to permanently delete the element.
Be careful deleting dashboard elements. Deleted elements cannot be restore.
- To add a new page to a dashboard, open the project's settings page and click the
- You should now see a page similar to the one displayed below.
- Enter the page name in the top field.
- For sub-pages, select the parent page from the Parent Id drop-down list. For all other pages select No parent.
- Define the page order by entering a Sort index. Increment the index by 1 for each new page, starting with 0 for the first page.
- Click the
button to add the page to the dashboard.
- If you return to the previous page, you will see the page appearing in the list of available pages.
You only created an empty page. To add elements to your page, see section Create a New Element to a Dashboard.
- To alter an existing page, click the
icon next to the page's name. This will open the page's setting page. You are now able to change the title and the order of the page. See above for further details.
- On the page that opens you should now be able to alter the page name, and display order.
- Save your changes by clicking the
- To delete a dashboard page, navigate the project's settings page.
- In the list of available page, click the
icon next to the page you would like to delete.
Deleting dashboard pages and elements cannot be undone. Be careful when deleting pages or elements.
This section aims to help users troubleshoot frequently encountered issues. In case you encounter an issue that is not addressed here, please contact your country administrator or send an email to [email protected].
I did not receive an email upon registering or resting my password
If you did not receive an email upon registering or resetting your password, follow the steps below to troubleshoot the issue.
- Refresh your inbox. It might take a few minutes for email to appear.
- Check your spam/junk folder.
- Try to register again. You might have accidentally misspelled your email.
- If the above steps did not solve your issues, please contact your system administrator or send and emails to [email protected].
How can I reset my password?
If you forgot your password, follow the instructions porvided [here](#rest-password) to reset your password.Data export is unreadable or contains weird characters
If you open data downloaded from HeRAMS in Excel, you might experience an issue with special characters not being displayed correctly, resulting in unreadable text. For example, instead of *camp de réfugiés* you get *Camp de réfugiés*. The reason for this is that Excel not using the correct encoding type to read you data. To correct the issue, follow the instruction outlined [here](#data-encoding-in-excel).Why can't I access the project dashboard
For data protection reasons, access to the project dashbaords is only granted upon request.
If you require access to a project, please contact the country focal point or send an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), specifying why you require access to the project.