Workflow and Contribution - lumen-org/LumenReact GitHub Wiki

This page summarizes the most important steps and communication tools used by the developing team. If you want to contribute, feel free to contact philipp.lucas{at} to get full access.

In order to make the front end more extensible, we are in the process of newly implementing it from scratch using react.js. In addition to the weekly meetings on Wednesday, there is the Slack channel "DLR-DW-Lumen", which is for questions, comments, and progress updates that need no immediate answer.

The division of the different features is handled by a Trello Board that is soon to be set up. In the near future, for each component that needs to be altered, there will be a ticket on the board. To show that you are currently working on a specific feature, simply drag the corresponding ticket in your column. There will be different sections that show the work flow.

To ensure good-working, bug-minimized code, the code has to be reviewed and approved after testing and finishing. Regarding styling criteria, please see the styling page provided by Airbnb here.