Dev Meeting Notes - lumen-org/LumenReact GitHub Wiki
short overview of standard plot functionality
possible goals for future
clarify data flow in backend and front end.
restructure specifications to be more flexible?
ids in backend (models and dimensions (for e.g. differential marginal plots)
Topics to talk about
Glossary: is it accurate and are the terms well defined? Are there things missing?
Future pci graph: when is it planned to be included again? Other graphical representation of that might use a similar layout?
what should our rnd wrapper do? Like what should it do?
How to properly use the intermediate models?
action items
PL Different visualization for specification -> User stories (Ask Laines for more details). PL: for now I cannot think of anything particular. But LS says it wouldn't be hard to add such a thing later in the architecture.
PL More user stories: so far, they were helpful and easy understandable
PL Check whether model training with pci graph works (not super urgent, just nice to see if the backend query would work)
however, doc/batch_learning_models.ipynb has a walk-through on how to learn models from data
SB Create page for glossary and start adding terms
SB create architectural diagram
all Meet again in person on the July, 15th
action items
PL add architectural image and data flow image of current lumen version to wiki
PL adds a user story explaining why we need global dimensions
PL adds user stories that illustrate and explain the n:m relations in the ER-diagram
somebody draws an ER diagram and adds it to the wiki
KL/LS create a new board for the user stories
we meet again on June 25th
action items
PL create wiki page for meeting notes
PL send links to documentation about API to others
SB finds a way for neat documentation generation in the fashion of readthedocs and sphinx
everybody lets PL know what they need to work efficiently
we meet 05/27 11am at FMI
information about API documentation
I added a wiki page about the API: I think eventually this should be part of our generated documentation (see action item of SB above). Let's keep it consistent and at one place.
other than that there is a couple of places where you can see how query (that is, a JSON object) is generated and send as POST request to the back end:
js/app/RemoteModelling.js: the member function essentially represent the queries that are possible. In each of the member functions there is a call to PQL.toJSON.<something> that converts/creates the JSON for the query to the backend.
js/app/PQL.js: it contains explicit conversion functions to generate the JSON necessary for queries to the backend. It also interesting as it has definitions for Fields (that is in our new terminology: Dimensions), FieldUsagses (DimensionUsages), and so on
the current layout is just one way to interact with a model and one way of visualizations
in the future we want to implement different ones
the architecture you build should take this into consideration!
specifically that means:
The schema is just one interactable/widget that provides fields to drag / that characterizes the model
another one is for example the pairwise independence graph
another one is the details view of a model
the specification is just one tab to specify one type of visualization
another one is the PPC (posterior predictive check) tab that that i made
the canvas is just one container to hold visualizations of the model
in a sense the graph depiction is another view that shows a visualization of the graph
lets implement it in a way that makes rearrangement of components easy. Philipps understanding is that this sort of comes for free with react.
business logic
next big step is to transfer the useful parts of the old frontend to LumenReact
on step of this is to implement important types and classes
from Lumen:PQL.js.
Field (-> rename to Dimension): with name, dataType, domain, extent, varType, ..
FieldUsages: It is important to understand the difference to Fields. There is documentation about it. check it out :)
things to implement next (as a mental note for our wednesday meeting)
implement spec and vis for Posterior Predictive Checks (PPCs)
implement DetailsView for a Model: concise information about modeltype, number of dimensions, number of data observations, ...